Student Projects/PhotoTalks

WIKI Photo Talks

As I browse through many wiki pages, I see many photos. Some photos are used for illustrations. Others are just posted for what they are. Then, there is the category of photos that are just posted for the reader to figure out - just like instrumental classic music that allows the reader to fit in their own words and interpretations. Here are some wiki photos and what they may be saying.

Female Green Thorntail photo talked artRio Los Bancos, NW Ecuador

Female Green Thorntail

This beautiful female bird is just resting and enjoying whatever view is before her.

Mirror Lake in Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China. Photo by Dice

Wiki Mirror Lake

Being calm gives a perfect reflection that is crystal clear.

Giza Pyramids, Cairo, Egypt - by Daniel Csorfoly

Giza Pyramids, Cairo, Egypt

Lost civilizations, gone with their incredible architectures and technologies.

Who built these pyramids? Where do they come from? Where are they gone to? Will they be back?

Earth From Mars - Flickr - NASA Goddard Photo and Video

Earth seen from Mars

Where are we? Where? Exactly where? I can't see a thing, but I know we exist.