Student Projects/Importance of Ramadan and Fasting


It is about 1.8 billion Muslims around the world waking up before dawn to fast for Ramadan. Ramadan falls on the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and according to Islamic belief, it is to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad. Do you know why fasting is a part of Ramadan?. The religion of Islam requires all muslims to abide by its five pillars: the Confession Of Faith, pilgrimage, almsgiving, five daily prayers and fasting. During Ramadan they wake up before the sunrise, eat a meal which is called as "suhoor"; and begin their fast with the first prayer of the day called "Fajr". They observe a dry fast until the sun this means strictly no food or any liquid during the fasting period. Muslims are also expected to withdraw themselves from engaging in entertainment, sexual activity and speaking or acting in a negative manner. Senior individuals, very young children, individuals who are chronically ill, pregnant and breastfeeding women, women who are menstruating or individuals who are temporarily ill are allowed to skip their fast and can makeup at a later time. The fast is typically broken with dates and water, followed by evening prayer and then a post fast meal known as "iftar". By the end of these 30 days it would be like we get more connected to our religion and family. Ramadan is followed by celebration called Eid ul Fitr or Id. Thus it is all about attaining happiness and peace of mind.