Student Projects/Corona virus (COVID-19)

Corona virus ( COVID )

Corona virus is one of the infectious and dangerous virus discovered newly . It is an contagious disease .

Corona virus enters human body when a person comes in contact with droplets of saliva or discharge of fluid from nose of affected person by cough or sneeze . These virus enters human throat , as the virus multiples a fever or cough might be seen as symptom and further leads to difficulty in breathing ; patients may need a ventilator to help them breathe.

Though this virus is dangerous one can protect themselves from this virus by following some of the precautionary ways.

  1. Wash your hands using soap or alcohol frequently.
  2. Cover your nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing using a tissue;throw the tissue into dustbin and wash your hands.
  3. Maintain social distance
  4. Avoid touching your face ,nose and mouth.
  5. Wear masks and maintain personal hygiene.
  6. If you are sick or have symptoms like cough ,cold or fever visit nearest hospital immediately. This is all you have to do to be safe #STAYHOMESTAYSAFE