Strategies for developing instructional materials assessment

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Check your answers with the information below to see how you did.

1. When developing the instructional content for this training session, what are five things that Joyce should consider?

Your answer should include items from this list: the instructional strategy, cost of developing materials (budget), resources available (setting), contextualizing the content, the flexibility of instruction, opportunities for peer sharing, interpersonal interactions, team games, cooperative activities

2. What are three interpersonal skills that the training session should target?

Your answer should include items from this list: listening skills, person-to-person communication, giving and receiving feedback, teamwork, cooperation, conflict resolution

3. When selecting the media for the training program, what would you recommend Joyce choose and why?

Best Answer:

Training Games - cost effective, able to conduct with large groups, can be done in short period of time, encourages problem solving and develops communication skills

Alternatively, Joyce may wish to consider these options as well:

Role Playing - provides context, promotes multiple perspectives, develops listening and communication skills (concern: can be difficult to moderate effectively with a larger group)

Video - works well with large groups, permits safe observation of sensitive subjects, develops critical thinking (concern: lack of interaction means the need to incorporate question/answer and discussion sessions to supplement video)

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