Stormwater harvesting and management/Stormwater management system maintenance

Regardless of whether local jurisdictions require maintenance or to what degree it is required, routine servicing and inspections ensure that risk to the local hydrological sources and downstream water sources aren't harmed by onsite pollutants or flooding.

Routine Maintenance


Here are some factors to consider when maintaining a stormwater management system.



Some materials, including but not limited to trash, construction debris, sediments and oils, need to properly disposed of. There needs to be protocols or guidelines to guide site managers on who to contact for which materials for proper waste disposal that is appropriate for your area.



The amount of runoff and volume of debris effects how often cleanouts need to occur. The time and date at which servicing may need to take place also depends on seasonal water variation, in which cleaning out debris and pollution before the rainy season would be wise thing to do.

Labor Considerations


Depending on the characteristics and elements of the system, different tactics are needed requiring specialized equipment, labor and certifications. For example in underground multi-unit systems, passageways allow technicians to enter and vacuum out the sediment. For a single detention tank, a net with a long-handle can be used to extract most of the large debris and trash. Some smaller units have a prefilter chamber to allow for easy removal of trash, debris and large inorganic and organic matter by hand or by vacuum equipment.



Bioretention and biofiltration systems use plants for filtration and treatment of pollution. Depending on the selection of vegetation and their specific water needs, periodic irrigation may be required for their survival. This is dependent on climate, rainfall, and the type of vegetation installed.



An inspection ensures that the stormwater management system is being properly maintained. Some jurisdiction issue Certificates of Compliance for proof that a system has passed the examination and protection against fines in the future. During and inspection the following system characteristics should be examined:

  • Outlet Pipe Drainage
  • Damage to impervious collection surfaces
  • Standing water
  • Erosion and undermining of infrastructure due to erosion
  • Vegatation die-off or infiltration by invasive species in bioretention or biofiltration systems
  • Sediment build up
  • Clogging in drains, pipes or water flow paths



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