Step by step chopstick semi-automatic rubber band gun tutorial
step by step tutorial on how to make a chopstick rubber band gun:
Step by step process of making the chopstick rubber band gun:
(Please click on the pictures for a more detailed explanation as to creating and assembling the chopstick rubber band gun as well as high resolution pictures)
When done with the chopstick rubber band gun, in order to reload it you must pull a rubber band from the front muzzle of the gun back towards the trigger. While keeping the trigger pulled back at a 90 degree angle with the rest of the gun put the rubber band around the trigger, then proceed to wrap it under the left side of the unburst bar and then around the back handle of the rubber band gun and then finally hook the rubber band onto the trigger. Repeat this 3 more times alternating sides for wrapping underneath the unburst bar and then for the 5th rubber band just simply pull it back from the muzzle and then hook it on to the trigger simply. This mechanism will prevent all the rubber bands from firing at once and will also help to make the gun semi automatic. Have fun with it, try to hit your cat or sibling with it if you can (Don't aim for the face) :P