
Variable stars is a lecture about variable stars.

"Mini Supernova" Explosion Could Have Big Impact. Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/RIKEN/D.Takei et al; Optical: NASA/STScI; Radio: NRAO/VLA.

You are free to take this quiz based on variable stars at any time.

To improve your score, read and study the lecture, the links contained within, listed under See also, External links, and in the {{stars resources}} template. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.

To master the information and use only your memory while taking the quiz, try rewriting the information from more familiar points of view, or be creative with association.

Enjoy learning by doing!




1 Complete the text:

Capella B has a surface temperature of approximately

, is spectral type

, has an orbital period with Capella A of about

, and is a


2 Which of the following is not a prominent contributor associated with a variable star?

star spots
chromospheric activity
brightness fluctuations
spot coverage fraction

3 Main sequence variable stars of late spectral types, usually K or M, exhibiting variations in luminosity due to rotation, starspots and other chromospheric activity are called.

4 Yes or No, BH Centauri is an overcontact system.


5 Which of the following are associated with classical Cepheids as a standard candle?

characteristic mottling
young, disk objects
recent star formation
incipient resolution
pulsation phenomenon
easy to recognize
correction for absorption

6 True or False, RS Canum Venaticorum variables are close binary stars having active chromospheres which can cause large stellar spots.


7 Complete the text:

Match up the type of star with each of the characteristics below:
solar twin - A
solar analog - B
solar type - C
double star - D
binary - E
visual binary - F
astrometric binary - G
spectroscopic binary - H
eclipsing binary - I
detached binary - J
semidetached binary - K
contact binary - L
common-envelope binary - M
area of gravitational pull exceeds the other component

same line of sight

wobbling around a point

no close companion with an orbital period of ten days or less

resolved binary using visual astronomy

periodic variation in radial velocity

each component fills the other's area of gravitational pull

F8V through K2V

unstable mass transfer from one to the other

mutual eclipses

two orbiting around each other

no stellar companion

one component does not exceed the gravitational pull area


8 Complete the text:

Match up the likely type of star fission with each of the possibilities below:
a triple-component stellar multiple - A
massive star fission - B
semidetached binary - C
a separating close contact binary - D
ZAMS system - E
tight, circular orbit, impossible to tell eclipses - F
lobate star - G
coronal mass ejection - H
BH Centauri

Plaskett's Star (HR 2422)


W Ursae Majoris

Beta Lyrae

V1010 Ophiuchi

object is confirmed to be co-moving



9 Which of the following is a technetium star?

Alpha Camelopardalis
R Geminorum
S Camelopardalis
HR 107
HR 774

10 Complete the text:

Match up the likely type of star fission with each of the possibilities below:
a triple-component stellar multiple - A
massive star fission - B
semidetached binary - C
a separating close contact binary - D
ZAMS system - E
tight, circular orbit, impossible to tell eclipses - F
lobate star - G
coronal mass ejection - H
BH Centauri

Plaskett's Star (HR 2422)


W Ursae Majoris

Beta Lyrae

V1010 Ophiuchi

object is confirmed to be co-moving



11 Which of the following is a spectral class C or carbon star?

Alpha Camelopardalis
R Leporis
S Camelopardalis
Pistol Star
Y Canum Venaticorum

12 The type star that goes through fairly extreme changes of brightness: for instance, in 1952, its brightness increased by 75 times in only 20 seconds, is what star?

13 Complete the text:

Match up the observation with the binary star:
Sirius A and B - A
Algol A and B - B
Albireo - C
WISE J1049-5319 - D
Mizar A - E
Minkowski 2-9 - F







14 Which of the following is not a spectral class M star?

Proxima Centauri
Barnard's star
VY Canis Majoris
Algol B

15 Which of the following is a spectral class S star?

BD Camelopardalis
S Ursae Majoris
Chi Cygni


  1. The current metallicity of a star may depend on the presence of coronal clouds.

See also


{{Radiation astronomy resources}}