Sport event management/Learning agreement for event management

The Agreement should be used for each person in the class. If you are in a class group that is not working with/for an established sport organisation you still need to complete this Agreement and nominate one of the group as a Supervisor. You may wish to add lines for convenience.

About you

  • Your name:

  • Your phone:

  • Your email:

About the host sport organisation

  • Host sport organization name:

  • Sport organization address:

  • Sport organisation's supervisor name:

  • Sport organization's supervisor phone:

  • Sport organization's supervisor email:

About the event

  • Name of event:

  • Date of event:

  • Brief description of event:

  • Supervision:

Please briefly describe the supervision to be provided



I, ............................................................ (student name) agree to work on the planning and operation of the proposed event in a professional manner, under the site supervisor. I will complete the required hours of event involvement in accordance with guidelines for my event management assignment in Unit 7984. my Supervisor and I confirm that I have a major role in organizing the above event and that my involvement meets the criteria of the event management assignment requirements for 7984.

Student signature:............................................................ Date:.................

Site Supervisor signature:............................................................ Date:...................

University of Canberra Subject Convenor: Dr. Robin McConnell

Centre for Sports Studies, University of Canberra, ACT 2601.

Phone: 62015943. Fax: 6201 56153 Email: