
Lesson 1


As the introduction says, speedcubing is all about solving rubik's type puzzles in the shortest time possible. Before we learn how it's done it is best that you become familiar with some terminology and notation. This lesson will teach the basics about speedcubing and notation used in the following lessons.




  • Centre - The unmovable piece in the Centre with 1 sticker on (there are 6 of them).
  • Edge - Piece in-between two corners with 2 stickers on (there are 12 of them).
  • Corner - piece with 3 stickers on (there are 8 of them).

Other (used while describing the solving process)

  • Cross - 4 edges on one layer correctly solved and in position with adjacent centres
  • Side/Face - 9 stickers on one face
  • Layer - 1 side and adjacent stickers
  • F2L - First 2 layers (1 layer and adjacent stickers/pieces)
  • LL - Last layer (last layer solved during a solve)



R - turn right face 90° clockwise
U - turn Top(Up) face 90° clockwise
L - turn Left face 90° clockwise
F - turn Front face 90° clockwise
B - turn Back face 90° clockwise
D - turn Bottom(Down) face 90° clockwise

R' - turn right face 90° anticlockwise
U' - turn Top(Up) face 90° anticlockwise
L' - turn Left face 90° anticlockwise
F' - turn Front face 90° anticlockwise
B' - turn Back face 90° anticlockwise
D' - turn Bottom(Down) face 90° anticlockwise

R2 - turn right face 180°
U2 - turn Top(Up) face 180°
L2 - turn Left face 180°
F2 - turn Front face 180°
B2 - turn Back face 180°
D2 - turn Bottom(Down) face 180°