Spanish 2/Chapter 5 (Errands)

Chapter 5 (Errands)


Places in the community

  • banco - bank
  • centro - downtown
  • consultorio - doctor's/dentist's office
  • estación de servicio - service (gas) station
  • farmacia - pharmacy
  • supermercado - supermarket


  • buzón - mailbox
  • carta - letter
  • echar una carta - to mail a letter
  • correo - post office
  • enviar - to send
  • sello - stamp
  • sobre - envelope
  • tarjeta - card

Note: Enviar has a stem-change of i to í.

Sports Equipment

  • equipo deportivo - sports equipment
  • palo de golf - golf club
  • patines - skates
  • pelota - ball
  • raqueta de tenis - tennis racket

Personal care

  • cepillo de dientes - toothbrush
  • champú - shampoo
  • jabón - soap
  • pasta dental - toothpaste


  • se me olvidó - I forgot


  • cajero automático - bank money machine, ATM
  • cerrar - to close
  • cobrar un cheque - to cash a check
  • cuidar a - to take care of
  • dentista - dentist
  • devolver - to return
  • gasolina - gasoline
  • ir a pie - to go on foot
  • llenar - to fill
  • médico(a) - doctor
  • sacar - to take out, to check out
  • se abre - opens
  • se cierra - closes

Note: Cerrar has a stem-change of e to ie. Dentista is either masculine or feminine. Devolver has a stem-change of o to ue.

Other words

  • caramba - good gracious
  • casi - almost
  • ¡Cómo no! - Of course!
  • en seguida - right away
  • hasta - until
  • por - for
  • pronto - soon
  • Hasta pronto. - See you soon.
  • quedarse - to stay
  • todavía - still
  • varios(as) - various, several

Note: caramba is not used as often as other expressions of the same meaning, such as ¡Caray!.

Preterite of ir and ser


In the preterite tense, ir and ser have the same form.

  • fui - I went, I was
  • fuiste - you went, you were (singular)
  • fue - he/she went, he/she was
  • fuimos - we went, we were
  • fuisteis - you went, you were (plural)
  • fueron - they went, they were

Preterite of tener, estar, and poder


The preterite forms of tener, estar, and poder follow a similar pattern to that of hacer learned in Spanish 1.


  • tuve - I had
  • tuviste - you had (singular)
  • tuvo - he/she had
  • tuvimos - we had
  • tuvisteis - you had
  • tuvieron - they had


  • estuve - I was
  • estuviste - you were (singular)
  • estuvo - he/she were
  • estuvimos - we were
  • estuvisteis - you were (plural)
  • estuvieron - they were


  • pude - I could
  • pudiste - you could (singular)
  • pudo - he/she could
  • pudimos - we could
  • pudisteis - you could (plural)
  • pudieron - they could

Direct object pronouns


Remember that a direct object tells who or what receives the action of the verb. To avoid repeating a direct object noun, you can replace itwith a direct object pronoun. In English, it, him, and her are direct object pronouns. Remember the Spanish direct object pronouns?

  • lo - it, him, you (masculine/singular)
  • la - it, him, you (feminine/singular)
  • los - them, you (masculine/plural)
  • las - them, you (feminine/plural)

Direct object pronouns have the same gender and number as the nouns they replace and come right before the conjugated verb.

ex.: ¿Ayudaste a tu hermana en la tienda? Sí, la ayudé.

When an infinitive follows a verb, the direct object pronoun can be placed before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive.

ex.: No pude sacarlo.

Vocabulario adicional



  • asilo para ancianos - senior citizen home
  • ayuntamiento - city hall
  • centro cultural - cultural center
  • centro de salud - health center

Sports equipment

  • anteojos de esquí/de natación - goggles
  • balón - ball (use as specific topic in place of pelota)
  • bate de béisbol - baseball bat
  • casco - helmet
  • guante de béisbol - baseball glove
  • uniforme del equipo - team uniform

The bank

  • billete - bill
  • cambio - change
  • cuenta corriente - checking account
  • depositar un cheque - to deposit a check

The post office

  • correo aéreo - air mail
  • correo urgente - express mail
  • sobre - envelope

Cultural Insight

El Rastro in Madrid.

Mercados al aire libre In Spanish-speaking countries, open-aired markets are very popular. They are places where one can buy and sell all kinds of items, such as food, fruits and vegetables, crafts, and clothing. Items are usually placed where one can view them on the street. Open-aired markets are popular places to spend time with friends and family, to dine, and to just go sightseeing. Mexico's native Aztecs were famous for their open-aired markets and they have continued to be popular in Mexico City. Spain also has its own famous open-aired market, El Rastro.

Mercados sobre ruedas In some Spanish speaking countries, some markets that go around are also popular. Called mercados sobre ruedas, literally meaning markets on wheels, these markets usually deal in consumer products such as dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and others. These markets on wheels switch location each day of the week, so that they have various locations on which they set shop depending on what day of the week it is. To learn more about an open market check this Prezi: