Spanish 2/Chapter 12 (Movies)

Chapter 12 (Movies)



  • alquilar - to rent
  • amor - love
  • arrestar - to arrest
  • capturar - to capture
  • crimen - crime
  • criminal - criminal
  • crítico(a) - critic
  • detective - detective
  • enamorarse - to fall in love
  • enamorado(a) de - in love with
  • estrella - star
  • extraterrestre - alien
  • fascinar - to fascinate
  • fracaso - failure
  • galán - leading man
  • he visto - I have seen
  • has visto - you have seen
  • ladrón, ladrona - thief
  • matar - to kill
  • película de acción - action film
  • ¿Qué tal es...? - How is...?
  • recomendar - to recommend
  • robar - to rob , to steal
  • será - he/she/it will be
  • tener éxito - to succeed, to be successful
  • tratar de - to be about
  • víctima - victim
  • violencia - violence

Note: Criminal, detective, and extraterrestre are either masculine or feminine nouns. Recomendar has a stem-change of e to ie.

Making movies

  • actuación - acting
  • argumento - plot
  • dirección - direction
  • director, directora - director
  • efectos especiales - special effects
  • escena - scene
  • estar basado(a) - to be based on
  • guión - script
  • guionista - screenwriter
  • papel - role
  • hacer el papel de - to play the role of
  • personaje principal - main character

Other words

  • no...todavía - not yet

Indirect object pronouns


Verbs like aburrir, doler, encantar, fascinar, gustar, importar, and molestar are verbs that use indirect object pronouns. These verbs all use the structure: indrect object pronoun + verb + subject.

examples: Les encantan los efectos especiales en la película.
Nos aburre mucho esa película.

A + a noun or pronoun is often used with the verbs above for emphasis or clarification. The pronouns must agree with and clarify the indirect object pronoun.

  • me - me
  • te - you (singular)
  • le - him, her, you (formal)
  • nos - we
  • os - you (plural)
  • les - them, you (formal/plural)

examples: A mí me importan mucho los efectos especiales en una película.
A Juana le fascinan las películas de acción.

Present perfect tense


The present perfect tense is used to say what a person has done. To form the present present tense, use the present-tense forms of haber + the past participle.

  • he estudiado - I have studied
  • has estudiado - you have studied (singular)
  • ha estudiado - he/she has studied / you have studied (Ud. form)
  • hemos estudiado - we have studied
  • habéis estudiado - you have studied (plural)
  • han estudiado - they have studied / you have studied (Uds. form)

example: Recientemente hemos alquilado muchas películas.

Verbs ending in -er or -ir that have two vowels together in the infinitive such as caer, oír, leer, and traer have an accent on the í of the past participle.

When you use object or reflexive pronouns with the present perfect, the pronoun goes immediately before the form of haber.

Past participles


To form the past participle of a verb, drop the ending of the infinitive and add -ado for -ar verbs and -ido for er and ir verbs.

  • hablarhablado (has/have talked)
  • comercomido (has/have eaten)
  • vivirvivido (has/have lived)

Irregular past participles


Some verbs have irregular past participles.

  • bendecir: bendito (blessed)
  • decir: dicho (said)
  • devolver: devuelto (returned)
  • escribir: escrito (written)
  • hacer: hecho (made)
  • maldecir: maldito (cursed/damned)
  • morir: muerto (died)
  • poner: puesto (placed)
  • romper: roto (broken)
  • ver: visto (watched)
  • volver: vuelto (returned)

Vocabulario adicional

  • bandido(a) - bandit
  • culpable - guilty person
  • delincuente - delinquent
  • documental - documentary
  • festival de cine - film festival
  • filmar - to film
  • monstruo - monster
  • subtítulos - subtitles

Cultural Insight (Películas en otros idiomas)

Una noche al cine en Buenos Aires, Argentina

Movies from Mexico, Italy, and Japan are popular the United States, but in order to understand what the actors and actresses are saying, the movies have to be subtitled or dubbed into English for those who can't understand the original language of the movie. With these subtitles it is much easier to understand the movie's plot. When there are subtitles, it is important to concentrate a little more on what's happening rather than the subtitles to get a better view of what's going on. Another solution is having the movie dubbed into the language of choice to avoid the distractions of the subtitles.