Spanish 2/Chapter 11 (Television)

Chapter 11 (Television)


Sports events

  • aficionado(a) - fan
  • al final - at the end
  • aplaudir - to applause
  • atleta - athlete
  • campeón, campeona - champion
  • campeonato - championship
  • competencia - competition
  • competir - to compete
  • empate - tie
  • entrenador, entrenadora - coach, trainer
  • fenomenal - phenomenal
  • jugador, jugadora - player
  • liga - league
  • meter un gol - to score a goal
  • perder - to lose
  • por...vez - for the...time
  • resultar - to result, to turn out
  • tanteo - score
  • último(a) - last, final

Note: Atleta is both a masculine and feminine noun. Competir is a stem-changing verb from e to i. Perder is a stem-changing verb from e to ie.


  • auditorio - auditorium
  • comentario - commentary
  • concurso de belleza - beauty contest
  • entrevista - interview
  • entrevistar - to interview
  • un millón/millones de - a million/millions of
  • premio - prize
  • presentador, presentadora - presenter
  • público - audience
  • reina - queen


  • aburrirse - to get bored
  • agitado(a) - agitated
  • alegre - happy
  • emocionado(a) - excited, emotional
  • enojado(a) - angry
  • enojarse - to get angry
  • furioso(a) - furious
  • ponerse + adjective - to become
  • volverse loco(a) - to go crazy

Note: Volverse has a stem-change of o to ue.

Other words

  • dormirse - to fall asleep
  • morirse - to die

Note: Both verbs have stem-changes of o to ue and o to u.

Preterite of -ir stem-changing verbs


In the preterite, the -ir verbs preferir, pedir, and dormir also have stem changes, but only in the Ud./él/ella and Uds./ellos/ellas forms. In these forms e changes to i and o changes to u.


  • preferí - I prefered
  • preferiste - you prefered (singular)
  • prefirió - he/she prefered
  • preferimos - we prefered
  • preferisteis - you prefered (plural)
  • prefirieron - they prefered


  • pedí - I asked
  • pediste - you asked (singular)
  • pidió - he/she asked
  • pedimos - we asked
  • pedisteis - you asked (plural)
  • pidieron - they asked


  • dormí - I slept
  • dormiste - you slept (singular)
  • durmió - he/she slept
  • dormimos - we slept
  • dormisteis - you slept (plural)
  • durmieron - they slept

Vocabulario adicional

  • atletismo - track and field
  • carrera - race
  • corona - crown
  • empatar - to tie
  • meta - finish line
  • resultado - score
  • torneo - tournament
  • trofeo - trophy
  • vencer - to defeat, to conquer

Note: Vencer has a stem-change of c to z.

Cultural Insight (Guías de la tele)


Now days, Television guides are not as popular as they just to be 8-10 years ago. Television guide were one of the most read magazines in the Spanish-speaking world. Readers always wanted to know what upcoming programs there would be on TV not only on the same day, but also same week or for next week. Spanish TV guides are similar to those in the English-speaking world, with information on the programs, their times and day, and the channel they will be aired on. Many newspapers also published TV guides for the upcoming week. Now days people watch their TV in YouTube, Netflix, or any other internet channel.