Spanish 1/Adjectives & In a restaurant

Chapter 11 (Adjectives & In a restaurant)



  • hombre - man
  • mujer - woman
  • joven - young man, young woman
  • anciano(a) - elderly


  • alto(a) - tall
  • bajo(a) - short (stature)
  • corto(a) - short (length)
  • guapo(a) - good-looking (mostly use in Spain)
  • buenmozo(a) - handsome (mostly use to describe males)
  • bello(a) - beautiful (mostly use to describe females)
  • bonito(a) - beautiful (general usage)
  • feo(a) - ugly
  • joven - young
  • largo(a) - long
  • viejo(a) - old

Hair descriptions

  • pelo - hair (on body or head)
  • cabello - head hair
  • canoso(a) - gray
  • castaño - brown (chestnut)
  • negro(a) - black
  • rubio(a) - blond
  • pelirrojo(a) - red-haired

Useful expressions

  • tener calor - to be hot
  • tener frío - to be cold
  • tener sueño - to be sleepy
  • tener hambre - to be hungry
  • tener sed - to be thirsty
  • delicioso(a) - delicious
  • desear - to want
  • pedir - to order
  • ¿Qué va a pedir usted? ¿Qué van a pedir ustedes?
  • plato principal - main dish
  • de plato principal - as a main dish
  • postre - dessert
  • de postre - for dessert
  • ¿Cómo está la comida?
  • La comida está muy rica.
  • La comida está deliciosa. (The food is delicious)

On the table

  • ¿Me pasa(s) la/el...? (Will you pass me the...?)
  • azúcar - sugar
  • cuchara - spoon
  • cuchillo - knife
  • pimienta - pepper
  • plato - plate, dish
  • sal - salt
  • servilleta - napkin
  • taza - cup
  • tenedor - fork
  • vaso - glass

Note: Sal is a feminine noun, therefore the salt would be la sal.

In a restaurant

  • camarero - waiter
  • camarera - waitress
  • mesero - waiter
  • mesera - waitress
  • mesonero - waiter
  • mesonera - waitress
  • cuenta - bill
  • propina - tip
  • menú - menu

To order

  • Me falta(n) ... - I need ...
  • Quisiera ... - I would like to ...
  • traer - to bring
  • Le traigo ... - I will bring you ...
  • ¿Me trae ...? Will you bring me ...?
  • Traigo ... - I bring ...

Other words

  • ahora - now
  • ¿Algo más? - Anything else?
  • De nada. - You're welcome.
  • otro(a) - other, another
  • ¡Qué ...! - How ...!
  • Qué delicioso! - How delicious!

Venir (to come)


Like tener, venir is an irregular verb that has the same rule. In venir and tener, the e becomes ie except in nosotros(as) and vosotros(as). Like tener, the yo form is irregular from the rest as well.

  • vengo - I come
  • vienes - you come (singular)
  • viene - he/she comes
  • venimos - we come
  • venís - you come (plural)
  • vienen - they come

Note: Remember that usted (Ud.) and ustedes (Uds.) are conjugated in the 3rd person form.

Vocabulario adicional

  • llevar anteojos - to wear glasses
  • usar lentes - to wear glasses
  • calvo(a) - bald
  • delgado(a) - thin
  • gordo(a) - fat
  • barba - beard
  • bigote - moustache
  • pecas - freckles
  • pelo lacio - straight hair
  • pelo rizado - curly hair
  • trenzas - braids So back in highscool when i was in spanish a guy started rapping a song in spanish that i didnt know but he got in trouble by the teacher so when i got home i seached up the lyrics and it was funny

Cultural Insight (Plazas)


In most Spanish cities, the plaza is the heart of nearly all activity, filled with cafés, a park, and usually the local market. It is usually the center of administration, held by three closely related institutions: the cathedral, the cabildo or administrative center, which might be incorporated in a wing of a governor's palace, and the audiencia or law court. The plaza might be large enough to serve as a military parade ground. At times of crisis or fiesta, it was the space where a large crowd might gather.

Country Focus (Panamá)


Panama (Spanish: Panamá) is the southernmost country of Central America. Situated on an isthmus, some categorize it as a transcontinental nation connecting the north and south part of America. It is bordered by Costa Rica to the north-west, Colombia to the south-east, the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. It is an international business center and is also a transit country. Although Panama is also the 3rd largest economy in Central America, after Guatemala and Costa Rica, it has the largest expenditure on resource consumption, making the country the largest consumer in Central America.

Prior to the arrival of Europeans, Panama was widely settled by Chibchan, Chocoan, and Cueva peoples, among whom the largest group were the Cueva. On November 3, 1903, Panama broke off from Colombia. The US gunboat Nashville prevented the Colombian military from sailing to Panama. An assault through the dense Panamanian jungle was impossible. On December 20, 1989, twenty-seven thousand U.S. personnel invaded Panama in order to remove Manuel Noriega. Under the Torrijos-Carter Treaties, the United States turned over all canal-related lands to Panama on December 31, 1999. Panama also gained control of canal-related buildings and infrastructure as well as full administration of the canal.

Large economic growth fueled by tourism and the canal has increased Panama's development and standard of living.


-Official Languages: Spanish

-Other Languages: English, Native American languages

The Panama Canal is one of the most important shipping lines in the world, connecting the Pacific Ocean to Caribbean Sea.

-Capital: Panama City (Ciudad de Panamá)

-Government: Democracy

-Area: 75,517 sq km (29,157 sq mi) (118th)

-Population: 3,322,576 (132nd)

-Religion: Christianity (Catholic 75%, Protestant 15%, few Orthodox and Mormons) 90%, Buddhism 2.1%, Judaism 0.4%, Hinduism 0.3%, Islam 0.3%, Bahá'i 0.1%, other (Non-religious, Animism) 6.8%

-Human Development: 0.840 (60th, HIGH)

-Independence: November 3, 1903

-Currency: Balboa, U.S. Dollar (secondary)