Space and Global Health/UNISPACE+50 Space and Global Health

UNISPACE+50 addresses Global Health by Thematic Priority 5: Strengthened space cooperation for global health[1]

The Expert Focus Group is based on the work of Action Team 6 resp. UNISPACE III recommendation 6 "Improve Public Health Services"[2].

  • UNISPACE I, held in 1968,
  • UNISPACE II, held in 1982, and
  • UNISPACE III, held in 1999[3].

The year 2018 will mark the 50th anniversary of the first UNISPACE conference of United Nations for the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space in 1968. So year 2018 will mark the 50th anniversary of first UNISPACE Conference - called officially UNISPACE+50. COPUOS, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, proposed a plan in 2015 at its fifty-eighth session in Vienna to review the contribution in last 50 years and look into the future, how the previous contributed to that objective and how global space assets could contribute to the Agenda for Sustainable Development and sustainable development goals. In line with the general aims of UNISPACE+50 to chart the future role of COPUOS. Global Health is one contribution together with other subsidiary bodies and the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs, to support activities of Global Health risk mitigation as contribution to the member states.

Systemic thinking applied on social, technical, governmental and non-govermental activities can be linked in a more complex space agenda when more participants by addressing the aims within a capacity building programme in Wikiversity. Language moduls and concepts Public-Private-Versioning contribute in the context to capacitiy building to a multinational participatory access to that content to bring benefits under the four UNOOSA pillars of

  • space economy,
  • space society,
  • space accessibility and
  • space diplomacy.

Learning Task



  1. Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (2018): Thematic priority 5: Strengthened space cooperation for global health. United Nations. A/AC.105/1172.
  2. History of UNISPACE Conference - pubished by UNOOSA (accessed 2017/09/13) -
  3. UNISPACE III and UNISPACE III+5, UNOOSA Publication (accessed 2017/09/12) -
  4. DRAFT I NFORMATION N OTE United Nations/World Health Organization/Switzerland Conference on Strengthening Space Cooperation for Global Health Geneva, Switzerland 23 - 25 August, 2017 -