Space and Global Health/Political Level at UNOOSA

The offical UNOOSA document about the link between Space Technology and Health was published by the member state Canada A/AC.105/C.1/2014/CRP.24[1].

The political and organisational level

  • elaborates recommendations,
  • establish high level fora strategic and policy evolvement[2]
  • links institutions and organisations (e.g. ESA and WHO) from the space domain and health domain in general.
  • create links to space policy (e.g. European Space Policy Institute: ESPI) with humanitarian and health activities and application of space technology.
  • if member states decide to join EFG-SGH, they can be represented
    • by Public Health Agencies (e.g. Public Health Agency, Canada),
    • by Academic Institution (e.g. University of Geneve)
  • provides a link to the community of practice

See also



  1. UNOOSA - Global health - Discussion paper submitted by Canada (2014) A /AC.105/C.1/2014/CRP.24 -
  2. UNOOSA Announcement for high level fora at UN web portal (accessed 2017/08/16) -