Basic elements are derived on the representation of Dr. Pascal Michel at WHO-UNOOSA event "Strengthening Space Cooperation for Global Health". Contributions of Earth Observation to Public Helath Practices.

Strengthening Space and Global Health on the organisational level could incorporate interlink:

  • (Canada) Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and Public Health Agency Canada (PHAC)
  • (USA) NASA and Centre of Disease Control (CDC)
  • Environmental Health/Science and Public Health Institutes
  • ...

Prediction of Health Risk

  • tele-epidemiology
  • Satellite Earth Observation for detection environmental parameter that trigger abundance of vectors and trigger preventive meassures of public health agencies (e.g. Mosquitos need certain environmental conditions, perform spatial risk management
  • Applied toxicity of chemicals


  • Vulnerable human population
  • Mosquito born disease,
  • Respiratory Diseases
  • ...


  • Earth Observation (EO)
  • Telecommunication (support tele-medicine, disaster medicine support,...)
  • Interoperability (bridging the gap between Global Health objectives and Space Technology towards mobile devices as decision support client.
  • Tagging data collection (e.g. of health risk factors) with geocoordinates (see e.g. applied toxicity of chemicals and global health risks)

Learning Tasks

  • Explain why Environmental Health, Animal Health and Public Health are link, describe the link along with the analysis of examples that are linked to your background. E.g. if you are workling public health on respiratory diseases or if you work in ecotoxicology, your link may be air pollution and e.g. detection of airpolution with satellites together with measurement on the ground that are correlated with cases of respiratory diseases.