Space and Global Health/Community of Practice

Design of Community of Practice


The community of practice is designed as an Open Innovation Ecosystem to support problem solving by using the Open Community Approach. The content development is located in Wikiversity, so that people can join problem solving activities without high institutional barriers (i.e. being part of a delegation of a member state joining United Nations). As a result of AT6FUI and application of the Open Community Approach also the Green Open Access aproach in integrated in the CoP.

The underlying theorical foundation of Wikiversity implementation and a network is Swarm Intelligence.

Member State Activity


Organisation of CoP activities within Wikiversity


A meeting is planed with Local and Regional Meeting Points[1].

CoP Meeting 2018


If you want to propose a presentation/publication to the event, please feel free to enter a title for your presentation/publication.

The CoP Meeting 2018 is the first time, that an open evolution of the CoP meeting organisation is placed in Wikiversity. For previous meetings see AT6FUI meeting 2012[2]

Learning Task



  • Dr. Pascal Michel (Public Health Agency, Canada) for support AT6, chairing AT6FUI and providing the opportunity pilot a Community of Practice within the AT6/AT6FUI evolution during the last years. Conclusion of this pilot is the integration into an open Wikiversity environment.
  • Prof. Dr. Antoine Geissbuhler for support and co-chairing the Expert Focus Group for Space and Global Health


  1. AT6FUI - Design of Local and Regional Meeting Points - developed for pilot 2012 at UN Office Bonn with technical support of UN-SPIDER and UNOOSA - accessed 2017/08/15 -
  2. AT6FUI - Meeting Support - (2012) accessed 2017/08/16 -