South Africa Workshop for Social Entrepreneurship - 2008/Reflections/List of Observations
Interrelationships and sense of community
- Relationships forged with other institutions
- People so prepared to help other selflessly even with a lack of resources
- Willingness of ordinary people to volunteer their services
- Community ownership
- We are affirmed in our partnerships
- The visit exposed me to the community in an action program
- Community partnerships with the volunteers serving on the project
Learning experience – university /student/community triad
- Teacher student interaction
- Discussion around student-university engagement
- Exchange program of foreign students
- Experiential learning
- Community/school relationship with university
- Principals’ energy and enthusiasm
- Commitment of the team leader and her team
- Demoralized principal – unimaginative projects
- The social entrepreneur is the common thread
- Committed principal
- Principal is charismatic, innovative leader
- Spirit and attitude of the headmaster
- Leader – an inspirational angel
- Headmistress’s humility in handling some interrogative questions and comments
Underlying values
- They do not abandon hope
- The holistic approach to the work they are doing
- Incentivised social entrepreneur
- Passion and commitment
- Perserverance of people involved
- Sympathy
- Positiveness and Faith
Pride and sense of purpose
- The progress and achievement in their work to date
- People doing great things regardless of circumstances
- Pride in own achievement
- We have to make this work
- The focus group for disabled people
- The way the program was described– very important in the community
- The work and activities - being second in the nutrition awards
- Specialised computers
- A dedicated and paid project facilitator/coordinator
- The number projects undertaken
- How communities can do so much with little or no facilities and funding