South Africa Workshop for Social Entrepreneurship - 2008/Reflections/List of Inspirational Factors
Reward and recognition
- Hard work is always rewarded
- Changing attitudes
- The cleanliness of the offices-this isn’t just another NGO/community project that takes funds and does nothing
- They are serious about what they are there to do
- My experience of other projects where there was only a volunteer managed project left me unenthusiastic
Making a difference
- There are still good people and that the world is not just a senseless wicked place
- There is opportunity for things to happen
- It opens doors for disadvantaged learners to also be global (exposure).
- Increase experiential learning
- Harnessing potential
- More female students
- People’s belief can drive them through the impossible
- Having to share others experience, problems and successes and how to approach them differently
- Doing something out of your heart to help other people in the community
- Communities /School involved in assessing students
- Against all odds we will make a difference
- Not limited by lack of resources
- Fragility of entity/person
- Any “little bit” helps – more than you think.
- A little good makes a big difference
Values and mission
- The passion, dedication and love that CBO’s can do their work
- The community centre knows what they want and need
- They have a vision and believe in what they are doing
- The passion with which the hosts explained their work
- The willingness to learn by the project owners
- Passion
Sharing experiences
- Stories of the challenges they face
- Stories teach lessons
Sense of purpose
- They are providing for the community
- They do whatever they promise to do
- They are assisting the community
- It’s inspiring to see the youth giving of their time and skills to such projects
- Humility-acknowledged comments and concerns
- The school is real and it most desired to solicit funds/research
- It accommodated number of people
- The disabled people are most of the time neglected