South Africa Workshop for Social Entrepreneurship - 2008/100 Day Challenge/Specific Challenges

Specific challenges arising in the Event in SA in March 2008

100 Day Challenge - (Thriver, not survivor – we vote people in!)


Influential people have two outstanding characteristics:

  • All have an absolute sense of purpose
  • All have the quality of generosity

What is it that we want to do over the next 100 days to create value from this workshop?

  • Create a hub so that social entrepreneurship can be promoted
  • Secure partners to create work for rural women
  • Eradicate poverty to create a better quality of life

In order to nurture our inspiration we will:

  • Build network hubs to sustain our enthusiasm


  • Register our individual profiles on the Social Entrepreneurship portal on the Wikiversity website identifying our strengths
  • Each individual participant at the workshop will communicate with other delegates, establishing common goals with a view to discussing concrete proposals and outputs.
  • Create a core team of inspiration leaders representative of all stakeholders

Why do we want to do the 100 Day Challenge?

  • We want to be generous
  • It’s payback time!
  • To transform society
  • Empower people!
  • Bring back hope
  • It gives a tremendous sense of personal satisfaction
  • Everyone wins!


  • Establish a centre of co-ordinated communication surrounded by sub-hubs.
  • Use video conferencing
  • Create a geographical structure based on the regional distribution of stakeholders and representatives
  • Wikiversity will be the key point of all communication


  • The World Bank will assist with establishing a central hub facilitating the evolution of regional groupings through its network of organisations and database of information.
  • The Win Win Group will assist with facilitating dialogue between the sub-hubs, investigate branding options and look at implementing marketing strategies.
  • A core team of movers and shakers (to be established and confirmed). This core team will contact all the other delegates through Wikiversity as well as using direct communication channels.


  • The core team will be identified immediately
  • Personal profiles and details of projects will be put on the website portal within 50 days of the workshop