Software Design/Practice

This page contains a template for practice articles in the Software Design project. This template describes all possible sections, but some sections may be irrelevant for some specific practices. Sections might also be missing because articles are incomplete.

Checklist questions:

  • A question that if asked during a code review provokes following the practice
  • Another question



Example 1


An example may include code (see also Programming language of examples), or just describe the situation when the practice could be applied in prose.

Example 2


This section enumerates the benefits of applying the practice, in terms of software qualities.

Why not


This section enumerates the drawbacks applying the practice or the benefits of applying a reverse practice if there is no separate article for that reverse practice yet, in terms of software qualities.

Static enforcement


If the practice can be enforced using some tools for automated code analysis, they are listed in this section.

Tool 1


Reference to the specific rule (pattern) in the tool checking the practice.

Tool 2


See also

  • Related article on Wikipedia, Wikibooks, or another wiki project
  • Another related article



A section with footnotes: references to books, scientific papers, online resources (such as blog posts), etc. See also Wikipedia:Citing sources.


  • Relevant chapter in a book
  • Relevant scientific paper
  • Relevant online resource

This section, as well as the previous section "References", includes references to relevant chapters in books on software design, scientific papers, or online resources from which the idea of the practice has come, but which were not used for direct citations in the body of the article and therefore are not listed as footnotes. Corresponds to Wikipedia's General references.