Snapshot journal/selection process

How to send a submission to Snapshot journal


Submission processes are being developed and workshopped in this space, before being loaded into the OJS system.

All contributions should be submitted online. Prior to online submission, all contributions should have been recommended for publication by the assessing lecturer or tutor. Any contributions that do not have recommendation to publish should follow the unsolicited submission procedure outlined below.

Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting, or if already registered can log in and begin the simple five-step process. Authors must agree to publish their work under a Creative Commons licence when they register.

Include a short paragraph (up to 60 words) to tell us a little bit about you. We'd like to know what motivated you to study at uni, what you enjoy about uni, or perhaps what you want to study next.

Length of contributions is determined by the lecturer when setting the assessment task that is designed to develop contributions for the journal. Contributions should adhere to Harvard referencing style (author date, page), as is standard for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; unless a different referencing style is required for a particular discipline. If you are submitting artwork or multimedia, or proposing any other unusual or complex submissions, please contact the editors [mailto:].

Any images, illustration, photographs, figures, or tables embedded in the document should also be submitted separately as jpeg files. Any such images MUST have copyright clearance; either a Creative Commons licence, written permission from the creator, or be created by the author of the contribution.


Snapshot journal prefers in-text citations and a bibliography (if appropriate) at the end of the piece, rather than a footnote system.


In-text citation: (White 1993, 81)

Book: White, Edmund. 1993. Genet: A Biography. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Book chapter: Wittig, Monique. 2005. ‘Point of View: Universal or Particular?' In The Straight Mind and Other Essays. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Print journal article: Butler, Judith. 2007. ‘Wittig's Material Practice: Universalising a Minority Point of View'. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 13(4): 519-533.

Online journal article: Engelbrecht, Penelope. 1997. ‘Bodily Mut(il)ation: Enscribing Lesbian Desire'. Postmodern Culture. 7(2). [w/ hyperlinked article title]

Web page: Irvine, Martin. 2013. ‘Postmodernity vs. Postmodern vs. Postmodernism'. Georgetown University. Viewed 6 May 2014. <> [with hyperlinked article title].


Contributions should be written in Australian English. Refer to the Macquarie Australian English Dictionary or the Oxford Australian English Dictionary for spelling and grammar.

Also include

  • a copy of the brief/description of the assessment task
  • three to five keywords or phrases for search terms and to help us compile the index.

Copyright in Snapshot

Snapshot is published under a Creative Commons Attribution licence 4.0. Our copyright policy can be found here.

Submissions must be the sole work of the author(s) and not involve third parties with a claim to copyright. Permission to reproduce photographs and illustrations is the responsibility of the author(s), as is permission to reprint previously published work.

Unsolicited submissions

Students who wish to submit assessed work for consideration in Snapshot are required to provide the following supporting information: 1. The assignment brief/requirements/essay question. 2. The assessment rubric and feedback from their lecturer. Such information will only be available to the journal editor for the express purpose of judging the suitability of the work for publication in Snapshot.

The suitability of the work for publication will be discussed with the assessor.


Any queries regarding the submission or publication process can be directed to