Snapshot journal/review policy

Snapshot journal review policy


Contributions to Snapshot will be selected only from work submitted for assessment in a subject that has elected to incorporate the journal into its curriculum. Unsolicited submissions to Snapshot will only be accepted if they meet the criteria listed below and follow the unsolicited submission process. The explicit aim of the journal is to showcase work produced by La Trobe students during their studies.

All manuscripts submitted to Snapshot are vetted by the lecturer(s) who volunteer(s) as editor(s) for an issue of the journal. As editors, lecturers are expected to adhere to three key criteria in consultation with the journal editor:

  1. relevance to the theme of the journal issue;
  2. achievement of the assessment criteria - as outlined when the assessment task was set - to the standard of C grade or above;
  3. appropriateness of the work as an exemplar of the standard of undergraduate student work at La Trobe University, including mid-range as well as high-quality work;
  4. the original perspective that represents the diversity of student voices at La Trobe University.

The lecturer/editor will make recommendations to publish, rather than an anomymous reviewer. Submissions that meet these criteria but require additional work to improve the standard of writing will be referred to language consultants to ensure a minimum standard of content, structure and style.

Peer review within a subject's cohort will be undertaken at the discretion of the lecturer/section editor. This decision will be based on pedagogical appropriateness within the subject.

Snapshot journal review guidelines


All contributions to Snapshot will be considered for publication by the section editor or the journal publisher in accordance with the review policy.

Lecturers shall nominate themselves and their subject for inclusion in the journal, and by doing so agree to the review policy outlined above. By agreeing to be involved in the journal, lecturers agree to take on the role of section editor with full responsibilites for curating the issue. Section editors must select a range of work from what has been presented for assessment by their students. The selection must contain C-graded work as well as B-graded and A-graded work. The selection process must adhere to the ethos of the journal in representing the voice of a diverse range of La Trobe University students, including students from regional campuses (where the subject is delivered into multuple campuses).

Section editors may request minor revisions to be made (by the student) to a student's work prior to publication. Subject editors may also refer students to Student Learning officers if assistance is required for development of a work prior to publication.