Snapshot journal/project overviews

Snapshot Journal project overview for academics


The HEPPP-funded open journal project aims to increase the number of students from low socioeconomic and Indigenous backgrounds studying in the faculty by showcasing undergraduate student work. Students from low SES backgrounds may lack examples or may not understand what university study is or what is expected of university research at an undergraduate level. Undergraduate student research and creative writing in the journal will provide an open educational resource that can be used as an exemplar of study at La Trobe. The content may vary from shorter pieces of work, for example group work reports, minor and major assessment pieces (e.g. essays) to creative work and film reviews.

Individual issues of the journal may focus on a theme, subject or course.

The journal can be incorporated into the curriculum in a variety of ways - it can facilitate and encourage active learning or an enquiry based learning approach by providing an opportunity for an authentic assessment activity. It could also facilitate collaborative and cooperative learning, such as editorial and review activities, to foster both peer and faculty interaction for students. The purpose of the journal is to showcase the unique perspectives from our diverse student body, not just the best student work.

The journal should not interfere with your pedagogy, but help to drive pedagogical innovation, and provide an opportunity to focus on our students and their contribution to their own education and the education of others.

Snapshot Journal project overview for students


The faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is publishing an open access journal of student work, called Snapshot. It’s an opportunity to share some of the many thousands of words that you will write during your studies. It will act as an ongoing record of work that La Trobe students produce - one that shows their unique perspectives and insights into their studies. For many students at La Trobe they are the first person in their family to embark on university education, sometimes without much of a picture of the sort of work they will be expected to produce. The journal will provide an example of the work that students produce from their very first year at university - so that students can see what that work is, and so it can be shared with family, friends and anybody else who’s interested.

Contributions to Snapshot will showcase not only the best student work, but also work that has shown a student's development from their starting point at the beginning of the semester, as well as work that indicates the average standard of work at La Trobe. We hope that students who express their own voice get the chance to be considered for publication. La Trobe students have so many stories to tell - about how their studies relate to their everyday lives, about the dreams they have for their future - Snapshot aims to capture those unique voices.

Your lecturer is helping to start the journal and wants to share some of the work that is done for their subject with the wider community. If you would like your work to be considered for the journal, contact your lecturer.