This resource is created to allow the academic study of sexual politics. Content here should follow the Guidelines page. This is not a resource for advocacy of any position, but for study. The topic is known to create disruption if not handled under approved guidelines. Hence editing here should be conducted with high caution and respect.


  • Wikipedia - This subpage will list Wikipedia articles or categories relating to sexual politics.
  • Mirkin - This subpage will study the paper by Harris Mirkin published in J. Homosex., in 1999, and other work by Mirkin on the topic of sexual politics.
  • Rind - See Wikipedia: Rind et al controversy.
  • Phase 2 - This subpage will study "Phase 2" topics, those which are currently the subject of common debate, partial acceptance, and social change. The classification of topics as Phase 1 or Phase 2 does not imply or predict that a Phase 1 topic will or should move into Phase 2. This subpage is not restricted by the resource Guidelines except where a Phase 1 topic is raised. However, because Phase 2 topics are still controversial, caution is in order, to maintain site neutrality.