Serbo-Croatian/Lesson 1

Serbo-Croatian uses both the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets. Cyrillic is only used for Serbian and Montenegrin. Serbian and Montenegrin use both alphabets. The alphabets have a one-to-one correspondence. Serbo-Croatian's alphabet is one of the most phonetic in use. This means you can pronounce a word based on how it is spelled and write it based on how it is pronounced.

Cyrillic Latin IPA approximate English equivalent
Аа Aa a hot
Бб Bb b back
Цц Cc ts cats
Чч Čč chew* without puff of air like in English
Ћћ Ćć ch sound followed by y
Дд Dd dart* pronounced with tongue touching upper teeth
Џџ Dž dž jam
Ђђ Đđ j sound followed by y sound
Ее Ee e~ɛ make* but shorter
Фф Ff f far
Гг Gg g go* never soft like in "gem"
Хх Hh x most similar to "h". like Spanish "j", continuous k sound
Ии Ii i me
Јј Jj j yard
Кк Kk k skit* without puff of air like in English
Лл Ll ɫ let
Љљ Lj lj ʎ like l sound followed by y sound or said at the same time
Мм Mm m met
Нн Nn n net
Њњ Nj nj ɲ like n sound followed by y sound or said at the same time
Оо Oo o~ɔ rope* but shorter
Пп Pp p span* without puff of air like in English
Рр Rr r trilled like motor sound
Сс Ss s saw
Шш Šš ʃ ship
Тт Tt stop* without puff of air like in English, pronounced with tongue touching upper teeth
Уу Uu u move* but shorter
Вв Vv ʋ between w and v sound
Зз Zz z zebra
Жж Žž ʒ vision
ије ije jeː yay* this is not considered a letter like all the others