Lexionum 2: Coniughere in presentum


IV. Conjugation in the present tense


The word "grammar" might be a frightening word for many of us. But if you're going to learn a new language, there's no way around.
So, we jump right into it, and start with one of the most important parts of the grammar: the present tense.In Sebastianish, this verb tense is called "presentum".

In Sebastianish, there are three types of verbs: are-verbs, ere-verbs and ire-verbs. There's no irregular verbs.
The conjugation in present tense is simple - you simply take the stem of the verb (you remove -are, -ere or -ire) and put on the right suffix for each person. The table below will show you.

Pronouns Parlare
(to speak)
(to believe)
(to leave)
I Ego Parlo Credo Parto
You Tu Parlas Credes Partis
He/She Il/Ella Parla Crede Parti
We Nos Parlamo Credemo Partimo
You Vos Parlato Credeto Partito
They Los Parlano Credeno Partino

The table shows all three types of verb, conjugated in the present tense in all persons. Every verb is regular; there's no such thing as an irregular verb in this language. The bold text at the end of the words shows the endings that similar verbs will take, so it's all about using the right suffixes. You take the stem, put on the right endings, just like in French, Spanish, Italian etc. You should also notice that the personal pronoun is voluntary to use, since you understand who the pronoun is because of the way the verb is conjugated.

So if you for instance want to say "I talk", you can say "ego parlo" or simply "parlo". Formal "you" is here "Vos" (with big V), 2. person plural, just like in French.

Exercise 2:


Conjugate these verbs:
savere (to know, to have knowledge)
videre (to see)
dire (to say)
vadere (to walk, to go)
estare (to be)
venire (to come)
just like you learned in the table above. Remember to recognize which type of verb it is to conjugate it correct!
For the answers, please send your done exercise to lingua-sebastiana@live.se, and I will take a look at it and give you a response.

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