
Conversazionum 1: Bonavenivo!

Picadilly Circus in Londónium

John (Ioannes) have went to London to visit Mary (Maria).
Try now to read this little conversation one time without looking at the glossary, and see how much you can understand.

Ioannes: Salve, Maria! Commento vades?
Maria: Salve, vado bona, gracies! E tu?
Ioannes: Vado anque bonum.
Maria: Sed ex esta bonum. Allora, bonavenivo à Londónium!
Ioannes: Gracies, mi amica!

Salve - Hi! (informal greeting)
Commento vades - How are you? (litt. "how do you go?")
Vado bona - I'm fine (litt. "I go fine")
Gracies - Thanks, thank you
E - And
Tu - You (singular)
Anque - Also, as well
Sed - But
Allora - So, thus
Bonavenivo - Welcome!
À - To
Londónium - London
Amica - Friend (feminine)

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