Scientific Method for Wikimedians/The Scientific Method - Practical part

the Practical part of chapter four. As a reminder chapter 4 is titled the scientific method. it is the first part of this course it is located in part one knowledge and scientific method and it is the first part of this course. First, you need to finish the theoretical part of chapter 4 before you go further so if you have not finished that video yet please go back to finish it. Second, as in previous chapters these are open questions there are no unified answers however the questions are clear and well-specified so don't get afraid you will not get lost. Third, the total estimated time for the Practical part is 100 minutes it includes three questions you might finish it in 80 minutes, or in two hours there is no problem with that. But if you finish it in less than 80 minutes or more than two hours this is a bad sign and you need to go and investigate why Fourth, the questions here are search based they are designed to make you look Beyond and force you to keep your comfort zone so please prepare yourself to do some research Finally, feel free to share your answers and comment in the section down below you can also read what the others have written and thus you get what they found with all that in mind.

First Question


If the steps of the scientific method were not fully respected the results can be invalid or not widely accepted the French theories and the pseudo signs are examples of this case. Search for the definition of French Theory and pseudoscience. Fill the table down with your findings to help you use the properties of the scientific method to create lines in the table. Then try to find which of these properties are respected by French theories and the pseudo-science This is a 40 minutes question theoretically you need to spend 20 minutes on French theories and 20 minutes on pseudoscience. Forget not to share the results you have and read the answers and comments of the others so set up a timer for 40 minutes and let's go.

Second Question


We talked about the model of the predatory Journal. Make your own research on them and draw their model starting from the peer review model shown below. this is a 20-minute question please set up a timer and let's get started.

Third Question


We found in chapter 4 that psychology and economy are not considered Sciences based on the definition of science conduct research to find exactly why they are not. Please be aware that this is 40 minutes question so theoretically you need to spend 30 minutes on psychology and 30 minutes on economy try also to include all the points of view you found you will find some opinions that say no they are sciences, try to follow these opinions and include them in your research. Forget not to share results and read answers and comments and here you have it this is the end of the Practical part of chapter four you finish chapter 4