This player brief is given to the Entrepreneurs player/team in Forbidden Kingdom (Strategic Simulation).

Consultative Legislatures - Entrepreneurs Brief


Year 1


Internet Access

  • Freer access will allow market to develop more fully. (Choice B)

Private Property Rights: Investigate Corruption and Restore Lands

  • We have some former military and government officials in our ranks, so we’re somewhat concerned about investigations, but not enough to tolerate corruption. Authority and face might take a hit. Support Party Line (Choice A)

Year 2


Nuclear Energy: Fix Location for Highly Enriched Waste (HEW) Facility

  • Money could be better spent on highway system and domestic airlines. No cost to waiting a while on this issue. (Choice B)

People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN): Fleet Modernization

  • We have some former military and government officials in our ranks, so we’re fans of fleet modernization. We might even get defense contracts. Support Party Line (Choice A)

Year 3


Independence Referendum Passes on Taiwan

  • A new relationship with Taiwan would mean new commercial competition. Confrontation supports defense contractors and war profits. Oppose initiative. (Choice B)

Currency: Basket of Funds

  • While it might raise the price of Chinese exports, international trade requires floating currency. There can be no delay. Market stability is of paramount concern. Support Party Line (Choice A)