Party guidance sheet for Forbidden Kingdom strategic simulation


This Party guidance sheet is given to each player/team in Forbidden Kingdom (Strategic Simulation).

Year 1


Internet Access

  • Background: According to Frederick Tipson, three models exist for dealing with public Internet access in China – 1) the Singapore approach provides for restricted and controlled access within a national system, balancing national security with economic development; 2) the Taiwan approach de-emphasizes control and allows for new ideas to spread in the population; and 3) the North Korea approach emphasizes control by the regime, thus severely limiting new ideas and communication among the people
  • Guidance From the Party: The Party has determined that it is best for China to continue to promote the Singapore approach to public Internet access.
  • Estimated Cost/Benefit:
    • Face: 0
    • Authority: 0
    • Wealth: -1
    • Popular Mood: -1

Private Property Rights: Investigate Corruption and Restore Lands

  • Background: Local protests and riots have brought the issue of private property rights to the Party for resolution. While laws are soon to be enacted, what remains is to investigate corruption charges against greedy public officials and restore, where possible, the property of those dispossessed and the confidence of the people in their government.
  • Guidance From the Party: The Party has determined that the government should move (if slowly) to investigate charges of corruption by local officials in land deals with commercial enterprises. Lands should be restored to selected farmers when possible.
  • Estimated Cost/Benefit:
    • Face: -1
    • Authority: -1
    • Wealth: 1
    • Popular Mood: 2

Year 2


Nuclear Energy: Fix Location for Highly Enriched Waste (HEW) Facility

  • Background: The Standing Committee of the NPC agreed in 2006 to join an international treaty on the safe handling and storage of nuclear waste. Treaty members are obligated to abide by an assortment of rules regarding waste disposal. Until now, China has been storing waste at or near reactor sites as a long-term but temporary solution to waste disposal.
  • Guidance From the Party: The Party has determined that an HEW facility would be desirable in Xinxiang Province. It would demonstrate internationally China’s intention to comply with the 2006 treaty. It would also keep HEW away from densely populated areas. Both the treaty and China’s acceleration of civilian nuclear power development have moved up the timetable on disposal site construction.
  • Estimated Cost/Benefit:
    • Face: 1
    • Authority: 1
    • Wealth: -1
    • Popular Mood: 1

People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN): Fleet Modernization

  • Background: PLAN has acquired Russian and Ukrainian ships, equipment and technology. There is a continued need for improved naval combat capabilities, including additional destroyers and anti-submarine technology. Projection of sea power is desirable.
  • Guidance From the Party: The Party is determined not to face off with US naval forces in the straits again, like in 1996, without adequate capabilities. Modernize the fleet.
  • Estimated Cost/Benefit:
    • Face: 2
    • Authority: 1
    • Wealth: -2
    • Popular Mood: 1

Year 3


Independence Referendum Passes on Taiwan

  • Background: For years the Party has strongly resisted Taiwanese moves towards independence from the mainland, supporting instead the status quo of Taiwan as a wayward Chinese province in what is called the One China policy. Whenever an election or referendum leads towards Taiwan independence, the Party applies pressure to dissuade any official action. As a result of the referendum, a US military build up in the straits, such as occurred in 1995, is underway again. The PLA, PLAN, and rocket forces are on highest alert.
  • Guidance From the Party: The Party determines that military action against US forces would be too costly, both militarily and economically. The Party opts to defuse the crisis and seek a new relationship with Taiwan.
  • Estimated Cost/Benefit:
    • Face: -3
    • Authority: -2
    • Wealth: 2
    • Popular Mood: -2

Currency: Basket of Funds

  • Background: The Party maintained stability within China for many years by linking the value of the Yuan to the US Dollar. This made Chinese goods cheaper in the US, thus making for a large trade imbalance. China recently linked the Yuan to a secret basket of foreign currency values to allow the Yuan to adjust itself to the US Dollar, but only slowly. The US continues to urge China to allow the Yuan to float.
  • Guidance From the Party: Unlock the Yuan from the US Dollar and allow the Chinese currency to float on international markets.
  • Estimated Cost/Benefit:
    • Face: -1
    • Authority: 0
    • Wealth: -1
    • Popular Mood: -1