School:Economics/Game Theory/Games

In collaboration with The School of Game Design and Board Game Studies



These are the games used in Game Theory

The Games


From Wikipedia: List of games in game theory.

Game Players Strategies per player Number of pure strategy Nash equilibria Sequential Perfect information Constant sum (e.g. Zero sum)
Battle of the sexes 2 2 2 No No No
Centipede game 2 variable 1 Yes Yes No
Chicken (aka hawk-dove) 2 2 2 No No No
Coordination game N variable >2 No No No
Cournot game 2 infinite[1] 1 No No Yes
Deadlock 2 2 1 No No No
Dictator game 2 infinite[1] 1 N/A[2] N/A[2] Yes
Diner's dilemma N 2 1 No No No
Dollar auction 2 2 0 Yes Yes No
El Farol bar N 2 variable No No No
Guess 2/3 of the average N infinite 1 No No Yes
Kuhn poker 2 12 & 4 0 Yes No Yes
Matching pennies aka Parity game 2 2 0 No No Yes
Minority Game N 2 variable No No No
Nash bargaining game 2 infinite[1] infinite[1] No No Yes
Pirate game N infinite[1] infinite[1] Yes Yes Yes
Prisoner's dilemma 2 2 1 No No No
Rock, Paper, Scissors 2 3 0 No No Yes
Signaling game N variable variable Yes No No
Stag hunt 2 2 2 No No No
Trust game 2 infinite 1 Yes Yes No
Ultimatum game 2 infinite[1] infinite[1] Yes Yes Yes


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 There may be finite depending on how goods are divisible.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Since the dictator game only involves one player actually choosing a strategy (the other does nothing), it cannot really be classified as sequential or perfect information.