School:Computer Science/Research projects

Research Projects

Add a brief blurb about the lab

This feature of Wikiversity will be implemented later pending further discussion.

  • Proposed Learning project: Screensaver Research - List distributed computing research screensavers (like folding@home) for students to download and run in the background with the eventual goal of writing one purely for wikiversity.
    • Integration with existing Open Source code possible
Please see also
  • Proposed Learning project: - 3D Framework and SDK for live or scripted networked 3D Video-Game quality Wikiversity events such as school plays, sporting events, class sessions or virtual social events. Any 3D renderable setting may be explored.[[[Wikiversity_Distributed_Virtual_Supercomputer]]] Any variation of live acting, scripted actor sequences or Artificial Intelligent natural language responses may be incorporated. Any new Virtual 3D Sport may be created to obey its own laws of physics. Any other conceivable (legal and ethical) use for this virtual space could be entertained. The aim of this project would be to raise the level of user configurability such that--like in these wiki pages--the browser can quickly become the author, rendering assets for our 3D virtual campus, and breaking new ground in the field of virtual technology.
    • Video games for education - Wikiversity initiatives related to the Federation of American Scientists report on the National Summit on Educational Games.
  • Proposed Learning project: Remote Learning Development - We are computer scientists (or aspiring to be ones), so I think it would be interesting to have a practical learning project. This could integrate text, video and voice for either peer to peer or group work. I see this as having interest not just to our area, but to all of Wikiversity and maybe even other institutions.
  • Proposed Wikiversity:Sandbox Server: A "sandbox" for testing Computer Programming projects, server administration practice aimed at facilitating enhanced Internet Audio and Video activities, routing node for the Wikiversity Distributed Virtual Supercomputer and a variety of other CS related research projects and learning activities.
  • Proposed Original research: Markerless Tracking: A big challenge in Computer Vision is the recognition and tracking of real objects through sensor-data streams. This is needed for example in Robotics and Augmented Reality to gather informations about the surrounding. Computer Vision techniques gives good results if the objects are very simple and the sensor data is not too biased. Genrally spoken we have a huge amount of computer systems which works well on recognizing and tracking special markers wich could be distributed in the environment. The aim of this project would be to archive a general and widely accepted technique to perform markerless tracking and recognition of the real environment.

