SCCAP APA Convention/2017

Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP) Programming at APA 2017


The Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 3-6, 2017

SCCAP has an extensive range of programming at the APA Convention.

These are Wikiversity pages built to complement a selection of the programming at convention.

These materials are publicly available. You do not have to have attended the conference to access them or use them, and anyone can suggest additions or post questions & answers on the discussion pages.

  • How to Succeed in Your First Faculty Job – Mitch Prinstein
  • Children's Mental Health in the Aftermath of Disaster – Expert Perspectives and Critical Next Steps – Jon Comer et al
  • We Can Do Better – Novel Approaches to Improve the Identification and Treatment of Suicide Risk – Joe Franklin et al (this is aligned with Matt Nock’s talk, so might not need its own page, but could be focused more on machine learning, with suicide as the example content)
  • Advancements in Research and Practice with Childhood Externalizing Problems – Deborah Jones et al
  • The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD) – A Discussion of the Goals and Methodologies – Sandra Brown et al

All of the notes, resources, and other materials are gathered together or linked from these pages.


Pages for 2017 Programming
