

Hello, my name is Gabriel Spiro. I am a student at Montgomery College in Germantown, Maryland.

Course Information


Welcome to RU 1050 Russian Revolution! This course's homepage is Russian Revolution and its supplemental material pages are located on the home page (Material). Most of our activities will be confined to the Wikiversity and Wikipedia, but other sites that are reputable might be added at a later point.

Instructor Information


Currently there is only one teacher but others may be added. Gabriel J. Spiro is a student at Montgomery College at the Germantown Campus. He is a History and Political Science major and has grown in his love of Russian History and specifically Russian Revolutions. If you need to e-mail me please don’t hesitate to do so;

Text and Supplementary Readings


All the material necessary for the class will be found somewhere on the Internet and predominately from Wiki sources.



The textbook for this course will be found here and any other extra sites that are necessary for the completion of this class will be denoted on that week’s page under the Home Work section.

Supplementary reading(s)


It might be helpful to look at the related Wikipedia pages located here.

Course Descriptions/Objectives


It is my desire that you the students will learn about the Russian Revolution and how each succeeding revolution built up to a calumniating event which many historians said was a mistake. Why did the backward nation of Russia at the beginning of the century become such a powerful superpower at the middle of that century and then dissolve into a minor power by the end of the century. It is our goal that you will be able to correctly and specifically outline the causes and reasons for the October Revolution and then be able to move into other higher level Russian classes at a traditional college and have a good foundation to build up.

Course Calendar/Schedule


The calendar of this class starts on – and will end on -. The course lectures have been prepared in a weekly format. To help those of you who are really busy, I have added two weeks to the number of weeks necessary to complete the material so that you the student have a little bit a cushion of time if you start to fall behind. The final will be a research paper that you will write. Because it is impossible to have a real ‘final’, the research paper will done in place of it. Therefore, you have – weeks to complete – weeks worth of material. Homework has no real deadline but it must be completed when you turn in the final. Topics for the final must be submitted a week before the end of the class.

Course Policies


Here are the policies for the course.

Attendance, lateness


There is no attendance necessary at any one point but lateness will be an issue when it comes to the final and homework. You have to turn everything to myself ( no later than one week after the class ends.

Class participation


All registered members of the class must post their answers to the questions for each week on the talk page for each week’s home work page. Unregistered users’ comments will be removed and the grading for the talk about the answers will result in 10% of your grade.

Missed exams or assignments


If your homework, essays, and final are not received one week after the end of the class, that assignment will be marked as a 0.

Academic dishonesty


You must reference your sources and any form of plagiarism will result in immediate expulsion from the class.



Grading for this class will follow this spreadsheet.

Points Letter Grade
98-100 A+
95-97.9 A
90-94.9 A-
88-89.9 B+
85-87.9 B
80-84.9 B-
78-79.9 C+
75-77.9 C
70-74.9 C-
0-69.9 F

Available Support Services
