RuralWeb’s philosophy and values:

Our philosophy for the platform is that people themselves can start working on what they want to achieve, but with a back-up consisting of hundreds of members at the platform who can help out, think along, share ideas and opportunities. So that local initiators have the opportunity to reach their personal, professional or social goals.

What’s more RuralWeb stands for open content. That means the content is (co-)created for ánd by its users. In other words: Users are also the product owner. Therefore, we value transparency and democratic decision making, but also being trustworthy and providing good quality and easy accessible information. And therefore we stimulate ideas, input, content and activities initiated by the community (partners and users) who know the local context and needs.

  • Content will be no (t only) book knowledge + an exchange of actual experiences;
  • Engage people (it’s about the people, not about the technology)
  • It’s all about Capacity Building: information mapping through focus groups; help desk, ..
  • RuralWeb makes information visible and accessible for communities
  • RuralWeb facilitates coaches that train within their own community!
  • Learning by doing.
  • Use speech and video more and less writing and reading


  • Facebook users (52 million in Africa, and the number increases every day).
  • Local ICT centres – who have direct relations with RuralWeb’s users.
  • Content by and for users from developing countries.