Engineering Projects/Rubberband gun/Howard Community College/fall2011/550 JK

Electronic Sections Expected


Problem Statement


How can a rubberband gun be made that has a single trigger that allows shooting a rubberband and automatically loading the next one?

Team Members




Put an overall, one paragraph summary here with links to the team weekly reports.

  • Below is the link to our weekly reports:

Weekly Reports


The best representing pic of this project



After completing the first chapter of the project were a sling rubberband and a pistol were created, the second chapter was heavily concentrated on the gattling gun. Legos were once again used this time since it enabled us to constantly keep editing our project and implement improvements on it. The specific lego motors reauired special batteries that the group ordered online. A gear system was implemented to facilitate and run the trigger system as smooth as possible. The gun was supported by two blocks on either side of the gun. Initially, we were planning on taking out the block on the end of the gun and replace it with a hinge that allows the weapon to move up and down however we learned that this system gave the gun stability and control so we kept it as it was. The batteries did not arrive by week 4 so once they are implemented into the motor, the gattling gun should work smoothly.

Decision List


Week 0

  • Researched the gatling gun for the rubber band and decided to build one.
  • Made the designs on the 3D apps
  • Gathered supplies that are going to be used for this project

Week 1

  • Group was split into half to accomplish different tasks: testing the rifle and beginning construction on gatling gun.
  • Debated on removing the second base, decided on keeping it until a handle could be made.
  • Decided to use a string as a trigger for pulling the rubber bands when winded up.

Week 2

  • Decided to double the width of the gun so that two barrels could fit.
  • Both were made successfully and fully functional.
  • Improved the overall structure of the gun and replaced the main base with a better one.

Week 3

  • Decided to use a manual system to rotate the barrels since the battery would take a while to come.
  • Decided to use a system of gears to rotate both barrels with a single handle.
  • Changed gear system to make the barrels rotate inwards.

Week 4

  • Decided to continue with the manual rotating system.
  • Synchronized the string winder/trigger so that the rubber bands are released from both barrels at the same time.
  • Made sure each important pieces can be altered for later improvements:

-The engines can be put into either on the barrels or the string winders depending on the members decision.

-The barrels can be either synchronized by using the gears to make them rotate together or putting two engines on each barrels and activate them at the same time.

Material List

  • Legos
  • Rubberbands

Software List

  • Chrome Browser (to research models)
  • Youtube
  • 3D Tin



Week 1, 4 hours of work was done by each student testing the accuracy of the rifle gun, doing research, and constructing the gattling gun.

Week 2, 2 hours (limited because of break) of work was done by each student constructing the double barrels and making them both function properly.

Week 3, 5 hours of work was done by each student presenting the updated version of the gun, adding in a system of gears, and ordering batteries for the motor.

Week 4, 3 hours of work was done by each student cleaning up the product, completing the manual trigger system, and finalizing the finished product.

  • TOTAL over 14 hours of work from each members are done for this project

Next Steps

  • Allow the others to easily replicate this model if they wish to use the similar model designs.
  • Apply and test the engines after they come in: Perfectly finish the project