Risk Management/Short-term long-term drivers in Risk Management

If basic needs are not fulfilled (e.g. food, water, security, ...) accomplishments of long-term goals are difficult. This learning resource focuses on the coverage of primary needs to accomplish long term goals in Risk Management.

Introduction / Example


Assume you are living in a dry area and it becomes very cold during night and you do not have firewood. You would cut down the last tree when it is very ccld, even if you know that erosion will take away the soil and agriculture will not be possible in the long run.

Objective of Learning Resource


If we are looking at world population more that 90% living on a day-to-day basic. Long-term objective especially those defined by United Nations Sustainable Development Goals[1][2] are difficult to accomplish if citizens battle on a day-to-day basis.

Open Educational Resource


Open Educational Resources are regarded as resource that trigger innovation. The innovation for Risk Management uses Open Education Resource for long-term capacity building and integration in existing school curricula. For this course it is recommended to add a reference to open educational resource how they are connected to UN Sustainable Development Goals SDG[3]

Learning Tasks

  • Learn about Citizen Science and add to this article prospective case-studies that combine data collection for Risk Literacy and long-term capacity building in the area of Risk Management.
  • Explore Learning Environments with Open Educational Resources OER[4][5] and learn about the design of citizen science approaches in school.
  • Apply the concept of risk management to health related risk (e.g. epidemiological risks (vector-borne diseases[6] or exposure to chemicals).
  • Learn about spatial representations of risk (risk map) by exploring OpenLayers heatmap. Create your own heatmap with demo sample data of disease cases. It is not necessary that you have really disease case with geolocations. You should learn how to map this data with OpenSource tools.
  • Analyse the learning resource about Low-Cost Precision Farming and explain, how short-term economic benefit can support a long-term public health benefit due to less exposure to agrochemical.



If risk exposed communities battle to survive the next week, long term health risk may be of low priority for the community. Short term economical benefits (e.g. application of less argochemical with the same harvest yield) could lead to a long term health risk mitigation by less exposure to toxic substances. In this course context economical risk are regarded as linked with other aspect of risks for environment and health and not as pure financial optimization for companies.

See also



  1. Griggs, D., Stafford-Smith, M., Gaffney, O., Rockström, J., Öhman, M. C., Shyamsundar, P., ... & Noble, I. (2013). Policy: Sustainable development goals for people and planet. Nature, 495(7441), 305-307.
  2. Kates, Robert W., Thomas M. Parris, and Anthony A. Leiserowitz. "What is sustainable development? Goals, indicators, values, and practice." Environment(Washington DC) 47.3 (2005): 8-21.
  3. United Nations - Sustainable Development Goals SDG - http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/
  4. OER Commons - 2017 - curated collections to OER content maintained by digital librarians - https://www.oercommons.org
  5. Citizen Science Approach in OER - in Digital OER Library OER Commons - 2017 - https://www.oercommons.org/browse/featured-item/163?f.search=citizen+science
  6. WHO - Vector-borne diseases - facts sheet - http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs387/en/