Research Journal of the University of Gdansk, Transport Economics and Logistics

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Research Journal of the University of Gdańsk: Transport Economics and Logistics (ISSN 2544-3224, e-ISSN 2544-3232)


Since 1971, Research Journal of the University of Gdańsk: Transport Economics and Logistics has been a worthy successor to  The Research Journal of the University of Gdansk: Economics of Inland Transportation. As a result of systemic transformation, for several years many articles on logistics and transport economics have been published in the journal that offer the results of research into the substantive changes that have occurred, considering them not from the perspective of a single mode of transport, but looking at more holistic solutions offered by transport economics and logistics. To reflect the changes, the new subtitle Transport Economics and Logistics appeared in the journal in 2012. Currently, the journal publishes original articles on transportation, logistics, and forwarding issues from the point of view of economics, and especially articles on the market, efficiency, functionality, management, infrastructure, modeling, analysis, strategy, cases, concepts, methods, and instruments. These issues are allocated to several research areas, specifically transport economics, the transportation market, forwarding and logistics services, modeling logistics processes and systems, and the development and functioning of transport and logistics systems. These subjects are reflected in the special titles of individual numbers of the journal. The Research Journal of the University of Gdańsk: Transport Economics and Logistics is published by the Faculty of Economics, and is edited by representatives of five Departments of Transportation and Logistics. The thematic focus of each Department is as follows:

Manuscripts published by the Department of Transport Economics:


The Department of Transport Economics invites submissions of original and case manuscripts in the field of the economic aspects of transport. The journal is devoted to the publication of articles that present new insights relating to all modes of passenger and freight transport. Topics may include: fundamentals of transport systems; management and evaluation of transport systems; optimization in transport systems; transport infrastructure; innovations in transport; the economic impact of using ICT; supply and demand in transport; the quality of transport services; costs and pricing; transport planning; government regulatory policies relating to transport; and all aspects of the interaction between transport and the environment (the political, socio-economic, and physical environment). 

Manuscripts published by the Department of Logistics :


The Department of Logistics invites submissions of original and case manuscripts in the field of logistics. The journal’s subject focus derives from the conviction that, currently, logistics has a clear practical dimension in the construction of economic strategies, in shaping the contemporary economic order not just of individual enterprises, but also of entire, increasingly extensive, global chains of supply. In order to ensure complete functionality, including particularly the inter-operative aspect of systems of logistic support, processes of planning, designing, building up, and operating,  these must draw directly on the sources of theoretical knowledge contained within many scholarly/scientific areas and disciplines. They must also draw on what is currently a rich technical-technological, organizational, and regulatory experience. The conditions that result from the fields of knowledge, practice, and existing regulations create a complex of interrelations; the series Modelling of Logistic Processes and Systems is devoted to an understanding of these. The very manner of understanding the essence and function of logistics forms the basis for discovering existing interrelations, and for creating new and more rational ones, among theory, practice, and regulation in logistics.  That is why the central issue of the interrelations discussed in articles has been the original descriptive model of the system of logistic support for any purposeful activity, for any organization, and for any purposefully implemented productive process. This model is one of the fundamental tools of the work of the Department of Logistics at the University of Gdańsk. This is also why the mission statement of our journal promotes the propagation and development of logistics, taking into consideration the relations that emerge within the triad of theory, practice, and regulation. Knowledge spread in this manner is essential in the process of creating projects for the logistic servicing of every activity, both those related to business and those that are not, in an efficient, effective, and useful manner. 

Manuscripts published by the Department of Transportation Policy:


The Department of Transportation Policy invites submissions of original articles and case manuscripts in the field of contemporary problems of the functioning and development of the transportation and logistics sector. The journal focuses on the issue of sustainable transport development in terms of economic, social, and environmental rationality. The issue of the development of inland waterways as one of the ways of shaping sustainable transport is an important subject area in the journal. In particular, the journal focuses on the impact of transportation on the environment, the development of transport infrastructure, the development of inland waterways transport, comprehensive water management, the financing of transport investments, the development of intelligent transport systems, the economic situation of enterprises in the transportation and logistics sector,  trends in logistic market development, and safety and security issues in the supply chain. We are also open to new ideas and propositions for articles.

Manuscripts published by the Department of the Economics and Management of Transportation Companies:


The Department of the Economics and Management of Transportation Companies invites submissions of original and case manuscripts in the field of current problems regarding the efficiency and financial condition of transport companies and the market conditions of their functioning. Articles should present technical and technological specifics, as well as financial and economic factors, which determine their activity. Such specifics include current problems of transport production programming, thus leading to a description of operational process models, of their economic and financial characteristics, and of businesses’ relations with the environment and their market behavior. The issues presented should focus primarily on road transport companies, both passenger and freight, together with the relations resulting from changes in the operationalization of the tasks of transport organizers.

Manuscripts published by the Department of the Transportation Market :


The Department of the Transportation Market invites submissions of original and case manuscripts in the field of all aspects of the functioning of the transportation market. Our journal is devoted to the publication of articles that present fresh insights relating to all modes of transport and all types of branch (road, rail, air, water, urban) of passenger and freight transport markets. Topics include fundamental problems of the market: the supply and demand of transport services; quantity and quality of transport services; purchasing behavior and economic relations in the transport market; market research and marketing; modal balance problems and intermodal competition in the transport market; strategies of functioning and development of the market in transport services; changes and directions of development of various transport markets; and innovative market solutions. We are also interested in different aspects of the development of individual markets for transport branches. We are also open to suggestions of subjects related to copyright issues. 

About Journal:


Appears from 1971. Since 2012 , issue 42- a quarterly magazine

The journal is included in the following full-text and indexing databases:

- POL-index

- BazEkon

- Index Copernicus

The journal is rated at 8 points (list "B" 2016)

We are pleased to announce that Scienific Books of the University of Gdańsk. Economics of transport and Logistics, positively passed the evaluation Index Copernicus process, the result of which is to grant the ICV pointer ( Index Copernicus Value) of 51. 29 point (2014), 64. 50 point (2015). Passport magazine in the ICI Journals Master List is: HERE

Consistently, we aim to internationalize the magazine, with the purpose of the entry on the "A" list and therefore, we invite you to submit articles in English, which will be published in entirely English- speaking editions.

The original version of the magazine is printed.

Scientific Books of the University of Gdańsk. Economics of Transport and Logistics" are ( since issue 42\2012) a substantie continuation of previously issued since 1971 "Scientific Journals at University of Gdańsk. The Economics of Land Transport" while maintaining the continuity of numbering. 



The task “Digitizing the Research Journal of the University of Gdansk, Transport Economics and Logistics to ensure and maintain open access over the Internet”, was financed under the agreement 506/P-DUN/2016, with funds from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, devoted to activities in support of the dissemination of science and scholarship