Recovery psychology/Sum of course

Summary of Recovery Psychology


This course covers elements of clinical psychology, abnormal psychology, deviant psychology, social psychology, sociology, cognitive-behavioral psychology, psychiatric rehabilitation, developmental disability psychology, alternative psychology, humanistic psychology, special education, health psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, motivational interviewing, positive psychology, developmental and physical disability rehabilitation, psychiatric history and consumer economics. The concept of recovery comes from ex-patients, consumers, mental health services recipients and surviors of psychiatry. As of the final report of the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health in 2001, and the October 2003 statement from, then APA President, that the science of psychology is uniquely qualified to lead this recovery movement it becomes more and more apparent that there needs to be more psychologists educating students to think skeptically. This becomes more and more apparent, when although an individual may believe that people are more important than pills that the concept of recovery should not be limited to humanistic philosophy in psychology or to the field of social work. As a student studying clinical psychology, the concept of recovery from psychological disorders is naturally taken for granted that the purpose of clinical psychology (and to some degree the rational for taking up the study) would be recovery. So the questions C.Nees asks are from the perspective of saying "I will believe in this course of study as correct information" and then learning another course of study that disagrees; logically these questions would have to be answered. Angela Vickers in her book Brain Bondage writes that a psychological disorder is not a matter of faith, that one can not choose to disbelieve in a disease in order to get rid of it. While it is true that an auto mechanic will find many auto repairs for an automobile, an eye doctor will find that there is always a need for a person to wear corrective lenses, a chiropractor will always find that a person is in need of chiropractic treatment and a psychiatrist will always say a person needs psychiatric treatment...but if a person knows this to be true but fails to get the much needed oil change for their automobile, believing the auto mechanics to be incompetent, what then happens? In the past and presently people who hold anti-psychiatry and anti-mental health views have never offered any assistance to the persons whom which are said, by them to not be mentally ill. This leads to further stigmatization and greater harm to the individual who is said to not have a psychological disorder, therefore unable to recover from it. A small dosage anti-establishment sentiment of course is always healthy for persons in recovery.

Recovery Psychology as an Applied Science


Recovery Psychology is already in existence as an unrealized science, it’s application is already being used one good example is the self-help book Wellness Recovery Action Plan by Mary Ellen Copeland. It is not called Recovery Psychology, but by all rights it certainly should be. It is not the sum of all recovery, nor is it the sum of all recovery psychology but it is the creation of recovery psychology; even if it is not been labeled as such.

Other themes addressed may be


Google Search Results on Recovery Psychology

Although the meaning of term "recovery psychology" appears to vague or undefined, it appears to have a connatation of addressing social justice issues.

Essay Questions

  1. Recovery psychology is different from Abnormal or Clinical Psychology in what ways?
  2. What was the first recovery organization in the United States?
  3. What was the second recovery organization in the United states?
  4. Who was Howie the Harp and in what way did he influence the mental health system of today?
  5. When a person says they believe in recovery from mental illness does it mean they hold antipsychiatry or propsychiatry views?
  6. Name the four stages of recovery according to Raggins?
  7. According to Patricia Scheifler what are the three types of recovery that occur simultaneously?
  8. How does a family recover from the illness of a family member according to Spaniel and Zipple?
  9. What are the differences in the recovery prespectives of the pharmacuetical industry such as Eli Lily, antipsychiatry groups like Mindfreedom International, family advocacy groups like NAMI, consumer groups like NAPS, and PSR associations like USPRA?
  10. When did the recovery movement begain? (Was it before fire or after the wheel was invented?)
  11. What science is the study of behavior, expeirince and mental processes?
  12. Define recovery in the terms of behaviors, expeirinces and processes?
  13. How much of recovery is actually mental and how much is actually social?
  14. If college textbooks on "abnormal psychology" during the 1980's or during the infamous reign of DSM-III, stated that a "recovery-expectant attitude" helped a person in recovery from physical illness and injury, than why would it take almost twenty years before the word "recovery" was fully acknowledged in psychology textbooks?
  15. If Karl Menninger used the term recovery in his 1963 book "The Vital Balance: The Life Process in Mental Health and Illness" than does the word "recovery" mean the same as it does today?
  16. Isiah_________ was instrumental in changing the name of the psychosocial rehabilitation profession in to the psychiatric rehabilitation profession. His reason for wanting this changed was_____________.
  17. One of the misguided criticisms of the recovery concept is that it would put mental health workers out of business, however as celebrity Jay Leno is known for saying Crunch all you want we will make more the American Psychiatric Association will just make more. Is not the whole medical industry the same?