Real Good Religion/32 secular prayers for peace

Words for peace from many languages are interpreted here as short secular prayers.[1] Reflect on these as they suit you, perhaps choosing to focus on one each day of the month.

  1. Aloha (Hawaiian):
    • May I always extend love, peace, and compassion to others, and may I be open to receiving the caring gestures that move my heart. Let moments of love reveal even more love.
  2. Shalom (Hebrew—wholeness):
    • In moments of profound wholeness, may I recall the blessings and experiences that bring completeness to my life. Even a small taste of inner shalom brings harmony and coherence.
  3. Kapayapaan (Tagalog—peace and order):
    • Reflecting on harmonious instances in my life, may I find moments where work, rest, and relationships align, bringing order and balanced calm. May kapayapaan's tranquility be present in all aspects of my existence.
  4. Comharsanacht (Irish Gaelic—neighborliness):
    • Recalling a recent conversation, may I appreciate the bridges built through questioning and listening, fostering understanding and community. Let every interaction bring me closer to comharsanacht, neighborliness.
  5. Thien An (Vietnamese—peaceful place):
    • In gentle seeing and being seen, may I find quiet moments today that make me feel safe and accepted, dwelling in the timeless thien an space of peace and acceptance.
  6. Prasanti (Sanskrit—tranquility):
    • Grateful for humble insights received in routine moments, may I acknowledge and appreciate the grace of tranquility. Let prasanti be revealed in the simplicity of daily life.
  7. Shìjiè Hépíng (Mandarin):
    • Feeling connected to the whole of humanity, may I recognize the peace that ripples from the peace of one. May shìjiè hépíng be felt in my interactions with both familiar faces and strangers.
  8. Hózho´(Navajo—beauty and balance):
    • Glimpsing balance and harmony, may I share encounters from high hills or low valleys where I dwell briefly in hózho´ purpose, finding beauty and balance in every step.
  9. Itibar (Azerbaijani—respect and esteem):
    • Surprised by unearned itibar, may I appreciate the generous respect shown by others. May I reciprocate and gift respect to those I encounter in unexpected moments.
  10. Aníko (Greek—belonging):
    • Reflecting on times of acceptance just as I am, may I embrace the blessing of belonging. Let aníko be a reminder that I am enough, just as I am.
  11. Chum-ah-thaan-um (Tamil):
    • Acknowledging tranquility today, may I appreciate the moments that stimulated inner peace. May I find solace in life's unrest and recall grace breaths in times of suffering.
  12. Ubuntu (Bantu—community):
    • In moments of needing help or giving help, may I enhance ubuntu unity, recognizing the interconnectedness of humanity. Let every act of kindness contribute to a more harmonious world.
  13. Ahimsa (Sanskrit—compassion):
    • Choosing gentle ahimsa over harm, may I seize opportunities to live more kindly. Today and every day, may I contribute to a world that values compassion over violence.
  14. Rahato Albal (Arabic—peace of mind):
    • In moments of joy, happiness, and peace of mind, may I find solace at last light. Consider sharing small felicities with others, spreading rahato albal for collective well-being.
  15. Hwah-Yun (Korean—harmonious existence and balance):
    • Feeling aligned with community and creation, may I consciously tend hwah-yun peace. Let me dwell purposefully in moments of harmony, fostering connection with others and the world.
  16. Shanti (Sanskrit/Hindi—tranquility):
    • Seeking refuge in shanti today, may I find solace in the simple moments of life—feet on earth, birdsong heard, or affection received. May subtle solace be found in life's unrest.
  17. Salaam (Arabic):
    • Remembering recent salaam greetings exchanged, may I cultivate stillness within by acknowledging our shared humanity. Let salaam bring tranquility to my interactions.
  18. Frieden (German):
    • Describing tranquil times today, may I appreciate inner peace and small moments of grace. May life unfold in a way that fosters tranquility and well-being.
  19. Sawubona (Zulu—I see you):
    • Acknowledging someone today and being acknowledged, may I recall the spirit of sawubona calm when turmoil tosses.
  20. Aniti (Samoan—Tranquility):
    • Let the quiet rhythms of nature bring aniti calm to my spirit.
  21. Mottomo (Yoruba—Mediate):
    • Seeing the whole beyond factions, may I build bridges through mottomo mediation, fostering understanding without waiting to be asked. May unity prevail over division.
  22. Sorongsorong (Mandailing):
    • Before accusation, may I recall my own mistakes and seek sorongsorong forgiveness, renewing connections across generations. Today or tomorrow, may I reconcile with someone from a different generation.
  23. Heiwa (Japanese):
    • Sharing heiwa connection today, may I deepen understanding between myself and others. May moments of harmony and peace be woven into the fabric of my interactions.
  24. Suaimhneas (Irish Gaelic—serenity):
    • Crossing paths gently with another in síocháin spirit, may I feel seen and safe. Let moments of suaimhneasconvey serenity and a sense of inner peace.
  25. Anyoung Haseyo (Korean—Are you at peace?):
    • Reflecting on my peace today, may I answer "Are you at peace?" with gratitude and acceptance. May anyoung haseyo bring stillness and well-being to my being.
  26. Salamis (Greek—reconciliation):
    • Mending brokenness within or between self and others, may I experience inner salamis healing. Let forgiveness and reconciliation occur in my interactions.
  27. Ohwahyuha (Mohawk—thankfulness):
    • Considering gratitudes given and received today, may I reflect on how ohwahyuha grace liberates my spirit. May thankfulness, freedom, and peace be present in my life.
  28. Sundar (Spanish—beauty and inner peace):
    • Feeling glimpses of sundar grace today, may I appreciate moments of beauty and inner peace. Let the simple joys of life bring peace to my soul.
  29. Ukuhlalisana (Zulu—Coexistence):
    • Rediscovering openhanded understanding, may I release rigid beliefs and embrace ukuhlalisanacoexistence. May contention's grip loosen as I seek open understanding.
  30. Kính Chúc Bn Bình An (Vietnamese—wishing you peace):
    • Extending kính chúc blessings today, may I make a neighbor feel an inner bình an. May my actions contribute to the peace and well-being of those around me.
  31. Peace (English):
    • Contemplating what peace means to me today, may I find moments of tranquility, connection, and understanding. May I contribute to a more peaceful world through my thoughts and actions.
  32. Om Shanti:
    • In the essence of peace, tranquility, and serenity, may I find solace. In times of unrest, may I recall the subtle grace of om shanti, embracing the peace that resides within.
Bring peace

Peaceful Actions


The next step after praying for peace is to take actions that help to promote world peace.

There are numerous organizations around the world dedicated to working toward world peace, promoting conflict resolution, and addressing social justice issues. Here is a list of organizations that are actively engaged in peacebuilding and related initiatives.[2] Consider joining one or more of these organizations.

  1. United Nations (UN):
    • Description: The United Nations is an international organization committed to maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social progress, and cooperating in solving international problems.
  2. International Peace Institute (IPI):
    • Description: IPI focuses on strengthening international peace and security through policy research, convening dialogues, and providing analysis and recommendations on global peace issues.
  3. Peace Direct:
    • Description: Peace Direct works to support local peacebuilders in conflict-affected areas, providing them with resources, training, and opportunities to build sustainable peace.
  4. International Crisis Group (ICG):
    • Description: ICG is an independent organization working to prevent and resolve deadly conflicts through field research, analysis, and advocacy.
  5. Search for Common Ground:
    • Description: Search for Common Ground focuses on transforming conflict and building sustainable peace by promoting dialogue, understanding, and collaboration.
  6. Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP):
    • Description: IEP conducts research on the economic aspects of peace and provides tools and resources to promote a better understanding of peace and its economic benefits.
  7. International Alert:
    • Description: International Alert works to build peace by focusing on conflict transformation, providing training, and fostering inclusive dialogue in areas affected by conflict.
  8. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:
    • Description: The Carnegie Endowment conducts research and analysis on international affairs, aiming to contribute to a peaceful and prosperous world.
  9. Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC):
    • Description: GPPAC is a global network of civil society organizations working to prevent violent conflict and build sustainable peace through collaboration and advocacy.
  10. Human Rights Watch:
    • Description: While primarily focused on human rights, Human Rights Watch works to address root causes of conflicts, promote justice, and advocate for peace.
  11. Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL):
    • Description: FCNL is a Quaker organization advocating for peace, justice, and environmental stewardship through lobbying and grassroots organizing.
  12. Nonviolent Peaceforce:
    • Description: Nonviolent Peaceforce works to protect civilians in conflict zones through unarmed civilian peacekeeping, conflict prevention, and peacebuilding initiatives.
  13. Rotary International:
    • Description: Rotary International supports peacebuilding and conflict resolution initiatives through its Peace Fellowships and global network of Rotary clubs.
  14. Alliance for Peacebuilding:
    • Website: Alliance for Peacebuilding
    • Description: The Alliance for Peacebuilding is a network of organizations and professionals working to build sustainable peace through collaborative efforts, research, and advocacy.
  15. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF):
    • Description: WILPF is an international women's organization advocating for peace, disarmament, and gender justice.
  16. An organization chosen from this list of anti-war organizations

These organizations contribute to the global effort to promote peace, resolve conflicts, and address the root causes of violence. It's important to note that the effectiveness of peacebuilding often involves collaboration between governments, NGOs, and local communities. Consider joining one or more of these organizations.

  1. This was inspired by the substack post A New Year's Gift from Jay Rothman: 31 Definitions of Peace and You. With permission from the author, I used a modified version of the original post as input to ChatGPT which generated this text responding to the prompt: “Transform the following into 31 secular prayers for peace:”.
  2. ChatGPT generated this list respondig to the prompt: "Provide a list of organizations that are working toward world peace".