Rainwater harvesting/Rainwater harvesting system/Rainwater conveyance

This page will contain information on both the materials and designs used in conveying water from the collection surface to the storage area.

A rainwater harvesting system can either use a dry or wet conveyance set of pipes. A dry conveyance setup, is one where the pipes are emptied after runoff ceases. A wet conveyance setup, is one where pipes may be partially or completely flooded during rain events. A wet conveyance system is at greater risk of freezing during cold weather and must include drain point for emptying out water. In general a dry conveyance system is recommended over a wet one.

Gutters and drains running from the collection surface to the storage is typically either routed internally or externally. Internal drains are installed at time of construction and penetrate the building envelope to either flow close to the roof to the outside or to the first floor, to be emptied at the building's edge.

External drains and gutters do not penetrate the inside of the building.