Linux Administration/Installation/RPM and YUM Packages

(Redirected from RPM)

This lesson covers RPM and YUM package managers.

Objectives and Skills edit

Objectives and skills for the RPM and YUM packages portion of Linux+ certification include:[1]

  • Use RPM and YUM package management
    • Install, re-install, upgrade and remove packages using RPM and YUM
    • Obtain information on RPM packages such as version, status, dependencies, integrity and signatures
    • Determine what files a package provides, as well as find which package a specific file comes from
    • The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
      • rpm
      • rpm2cpio
      • /etc/yum.conf
      • /etc/yum.repos.d/
      • yum
      • yumdownloader

Readings edit

  1. Wikipedia: RPM Package Manager
  2. Wikipedia: yum (software)

Multimedia edit

Activities edit

  1. Complete the tutorial IBM: Learn Linux, 101: RPM and YUM package management
  2. Read RPM release notes

Lesson Summary edit

  • RPM Package Manager (RPM) (originally Red Hat Package Manager) is a free and open-source package management system using the .rpm file format.[2]
  • rpm -i package installs the given package.[3]
  • rpm -U package upgrades the given package.[4]
  • rpm -F package freshens (reinstalls) the given package.[5]
  • rpm -e package erases (removes) the given package.[6]
  • rpm2cpio extracts RPM payload files without having to install the package.[7]
  • The Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM) is a free and open-source command-line package-management utility for computers running the Linux operating system using the RPM Package Manager.[8]
  • yum install packagelist installs the given packages.[9]
  • yum update packagelist updates the given packages.[10]
  • yum remove packagelist removes the given packages.[11]
  • yumdownloader is a program for downloading RPMs from Yum repositories.[12]
  • /etc/yum.conf is the configuration file used by yum.[13]
  • /etc/yum.repos.d/ is the yum repository directory.[14]

Key Terms edit

See also edit

References edit