Promoting Civilization progress through Internet

Internet offers the possibility of democratizing knowledge.As a scholar,I'm here to talk about my dream and the knowledge backgrounds of it.I'm not going to talk about more important thing than this secular dream.Becauce I believe we should abandon groundless worry and meaningless debate for the topic which transcend the secular universe. 

1 Falsifiability is the dividing line between the statement system of empirical science and other statements systems, such as religious, artistic or philosophical.

1.1 Thus,there are two different types of human knowledge.

1.2 The first kind of human knowledge refers to falsifiable knowledge,such as empirical science, etc.

1.3 The second kind of human knowledge refers to irrefutable knowledge, such as literature, etc.

1.4 For the first kind of human knowledge, we should try our best to remove the false and retain the true.

1.5 For the second kind of human knowledge, we should maintain a neutral attitude to appreciate them, but prevent them from being misread and abused.

1.6 Most of the content in this lecture belongs to the second kind of human knowledge.

2 Human knowledge creates paradigms of the secular universe.

2.1 When human knowledge attempts to touch on topic transcend the secular universe, we should clearly recognize that they are trapped by secularity.

2.2 Civilization is the sum of progressive matters in the secular universe.

2.3 Thinking about the future of civilization will help us grasp the definition of civilization.

2.4 Kardashev scale suggest a possibility of future civilization.

2.5 Technological singularity also suggest a possibility of future civilization.

2.6 The concept of Protolia which was put forward by Kevin Kelly provides a good summary.

2.7 The characteristic of civilization is that although it can solve many problems and provide many benefits, on the other hand, it can not solve all problems fundamentally.

2.8 Therefore, the process of civilization is a steady and dynamic process of progress in the secular universe.

3 Technology has self-driving force in the secular universe.

3.1 Technology intrinsically has the characteristics of a similar organism that cannot be simply equated with human products.

3.2 The self-driving force of technology jointly with human knowledge will lead to Protolia and Kevin Kelly calls it inevitable.

3.3 The progress of civilization has internal drive force, but it may encounter accidental destructions.

3.4 Accidental destructions could be a nuclear war or asteroid hit Earth, etc.

3.5 Whatever the cause,the road to Super-civilization is inevitable but not foolproof.

4 A wise man said "The Internet age is an era of correlation, in which we will change from an individual to a collective. In the age of the Internet, we have combined to make ourselves a new and stronger species".

4.1 Internet provides us with an powerful tool to protect progress of civilization from accidental destruction.

4.2 According to Lewis dartnell, Wiki project, such as Wikipedia, could be seen as a safe haven for restarting civilization.

4.3 Internet is not the unique refuge of civilization, universities and books are also, but the robustness provided by the Internet for civilization is much higher.

4.4 I would like to provide a initiative that Sharing your important knowledge in a suitable way through Internet,which increase the robustness of civilization and help to ensure the Progress of Civilization.

4.5 This lecture is not only a part of initiative or theory, but also a part of my practice.


  1. Read [The Structure of Scientific Revolutions(book)]
  2. Read [Ideas And Opinions by Albert Einstein(book)]
  3. Read [Conjectures and Refutatuions(book)]
  4. Read [Interdisciplinary Research:Process and Theory(book)]
  5. Read [A Social History of Knowledge From Gutenberg to Diderot(book)]
  6. Read [A Social History of Knowledge Ⅱ From the Eneyelopédie to Wikipedia(book)]
  7. Read [Complexity:A Guided Tour(book)]
  8. Read [The Measure of Civilization(book)]
  9. Read [The Inevitable(book)]
  10. Read [The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves(book)]
  11. Read [Life 3.0(book)]
  12. Read [Sapiens:A Brief History of Humankind(book)]
  13. Read [Homo Deus:A Brief History of Tomorrow(book)]
  14. Read [21 Lessons for the 21st Century(book)]
  15. Read [The Technological Singularity(book)]
  16. Read [The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch(book)]
  17. Read [The Internet Age(book)]
  18. Read Wikipedia:Paradigm.
  19. Read Wikipedia:Falsifiability.
  20. Read Wikipedia:Civilization.
  21. Read Wikipedia:Safety.
  22. Read Wikipedia:Human development (humanity).
  23. Read Wikipedia:Kardashev scale.
  24. Read Wikipedia:Technology.
  25. Read Wikipedia:Technological singularity.
  26. Read Wikipedia:Kevin Kelly (editor).
  27. Read Wikipedia:Michio Kaku.
  28. Read Wikipedia:Yuval Noah Harari.
  29. Read Wikipedia:Ian Morris (historian).
  30. Read Wikipedia:Peter Burke (historian).
  31. Read Wikipedia:Masayoshi Son.
  32. Read Wikipedia:Lewis Dartnell.
  33. Read Wikipedia:Future of Humanity Institute.
  34. Read Wikipedia:Internet Archive.
  35. Read Wikipedia:Randy Pausch.
  36. Read Wikipedia:Wikipedia.
  37. Read Wikipedia:Wikinews.
  38. Read Wikipedia:Wikiversity.

Key Terms

Secular universe
Human knowledge
Kardashev scale
Technological singularity
Redundancy of Civilization

Further Information

  1. Dr.Bin Yu's personal main page at Fudan development institute under Fudan University