Programming Under X Window

The goal of this learning project is to provide up to date information on writing graphic programs that work under X Window. Due to the lack of up to date and easily accessible material available both online and in print, it is also hoped this material may some day become the bases for a book on Wikibooks. Everyone is encouraged to contribute any information they know about writing programs for use under X Window.

X Window is a server application that provides basic functions for displaying graphics and gather user input transparently over a network or locally.


  • Create a collection of links to helpful resources that could be used to begin lessons.
  • Examine the source code for Xorg, examine the source code for Xlib, or find developers who have the time to contribute to this learning resource
  • Examine the source code for popular programs that are still being developed for clues to what has changed
  • Get the community motivated in helping
  • Study some of the programs that come included with X Window
  • Review of existing material to the topic (benefit also might be: identify new ideas for this project)
  • please add further ideas