Principles of Economics

The course objective is to provide students with an introduction to Economics and the Economic way of thinking. At the end of the course the student should have a basic understanding of how people make decisions, how people interact, and how the economy as a whole works. This course will provide a framework for viewing and interpreting the economic world.

The course is built around Gregory Mankiw's Principles of Economics but also draws knowledge and examples from other sources including the wikibook textbook Principles of Economics.


Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Principles of Economics
Solutions: /Solutions#Principles of Economics
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Thinking Like an Economist
Solutions: /Solutions#Thinking Like an Economist
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Opportunity Cost
Solutions: /Solutions#Opportunity Cost
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Supply and Demand
Solutions: /Solutions#Supply and Demand
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Elasticity, Consumers, Producers, and Market Efficiency
Solutions: /Solutions#Elasticity, Consumers, Producers, and Market Efficiency
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#The Labor Market and Unemployment
Solutions: /Solutions#The Labor Market and Unemployment
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Trade
Solutions: /Solutions#Trade
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Government Policies and Taxation
Solutions: /Solutions#Government Policies and Taxation
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Externalities, Public Goods and Common Resources
Solutions: /Solutions#Externalities, Public Goods and Common Resources
Key Terms: Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Markets
Solutions: /Solutions#Markets
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Growth, National Income, and Price Indices
Solutions: /Solutions#Growth, National Income, and Price Indices
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Money, and Money Growth and Inflation
Solutions: /Solutions#Money, and Money Growth and Inflation
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Saving, Investment, and the Financial System
Solutions: /Solutions#Saving, Investment, and the Financial System
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Solutions: /Solutions#Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Key Terms:
Practice Problems: /Practice Problems#Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy
Solutions: /Solutions#Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy

See also

  Educational level: this is a tertiary (university) resource.