Preventive Health Science

Spanish: Ciencias de la Salud Preventiva

Clinica Einstein, Founded 1971, Via Argentina, Panama City where the Editorial office is hosted



The development of science includes training in research, teaching based on research and the establishment of research departments and scientific journals. It is recommended for all health professionals to include orientation in scientific journals as part of the continuing education (Hippocrates). Reading of scientific articles is the basis for evidence-based medical practice, teaching and research (EBM/MBH). The "Preventive Health Science" journal is an electronic scientific "School" publication for free, not indexed, related to The Ramazzini Center . The objective of this "School journal" is to serve students and health professionals in their continuing education. The use of everyday scientific literature is a key part of the scientific education. In other words, the aim is to contribute to create a culture of health risk prevention based on scientific evidence and critical thinking. The objective is to raise awareness about the risk factors that improve or damage the environment, in order to preserve the quality of life and contribute to social welfare. Another objective is to be familiar with the IMRAD structure in scientific works. The publication plan: When a new relevant article /summary is ready, it is published quickly. The philosophy is that it is most convenient to be orientated in one subject in a few minutes, instead of many articles in a traditional scientific journal. One important objective is to bring study abstracts from other countries even years ago that is relevant to be repeated in our country as subject for a thesis alone or in a group work. So far the epidemiological studies in Public Health from Panama have focused on infectious diseases and diseases related to diet, lack of activity, smoking and alcohol, i.e. cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. We want to inspire students and professionals to do research in occupational and environmental health in a wider scope Occupational Medicine. The abstracts in this journal intend to encourage the students and health professionals to use scientific literature in their thesis work and for solving daily health problems. Further, we offer research training courses and training in writing academic papers for students and professionals. Legal Rights: The texts are under the Creative Commons License. This means that the works are free of known restrictions of authors' rights. The Public Domain Label allows the work to be easily discovered, and provides valuable information about the work.


Continuing education


Continuing education, is a core issue for all health professionals consisting of all types of health preventive practices, conferences, education and scientific articles.To remember one of the sentences in the Hippocratic Oaths: "That I will recognize the limits of my knowledge and pursue lifelong learning to better care for the sick and to prevent illness"

Publication Strategy


With the aim to create interest for scientific work. Due to the sparse original publications from Panama, we reprint translated abstracts from international studies, that are of relevance also for Panama. We search globally to find scientific articles every month or more frequent within occupational-, public- and environmental health. Especially subjects of interest for ongoing research studies, like the planned study on PTSD (Post traumatic stress disease) in train drivers after episodes of sudden suicide in front of the train and the “Acoso Laboral” study project. The orginal title of the citing artcle is kept while the editors write a subheading for a quick orientation of the content. All are invited to propose new abstracts for translation and reprint and to help with the editorial work. Scientific work e.g. students thesis, are very welcome to be published in full text by following the guidelines for authors and after peer review. The PDF files are downsized to facilitate the reading in one of the available online programs e.g. Compress-pdf for free

Rules of good conduct

  1. Members of the editorial committee are active and able to edit issues of the journal
  2. We agree to comply with the international medical ethical principles
  3. Commercial interests are not accepted

Guidelines for publication of Abstracts


Guidelines for original contributions


All texts should be as short as possible, systematic, precise and easy to read with: Title, names of authors, email, telephone and institutions, type of contribution, a summary, text and references, three lines with the main messages and a photo. The preparation of the original manuscripts follow the Equator-Network standards . The main manuscript has an extension of 1000-2500 words + summary + figures and tables (separated pages) + bibliography. For correspondence, e-mail and telephone. An original text will consist of the following sections (you can add acknowledgments): IMRAD Explanation to open

  1. Introduction
  2. Material and methods
  3. Results
  4. Discussion
  5. Bibliography
  6. Bibliographic citations
  • To be presented by the use of Zotero or similar program - often in Vancouver style.
  • In the text will appear the numbering of the bibliographic citations in Arabic numerals flown.
  • Tables and figures are on separate pages of the text, always a table or a figure by sheet
  • Acronyms or abbreviations be defined in the foot of the table or chart
  • The structured summary, should not exceed 200 words and preferably consist of: Objectives, Methodology, Results, Conclusions and 4-6 Keywords
  • Structured summaries of the thesis (for masters): (200-300 words) consist of: Title, Objectives, Methodology, Results and Conclusions . 4-8 keywords
  • Send your contribution to in Word

Peer review process


The peer review process is a way of ensuring that the information is verifiable and of a good quality. Any research paper is forwarded to the editorial group who assess quality, accuracy and relevance. The chairman of the group will assess whether the manuscript will comply with the guidelines, advice the authors and take the final decision whether it should be published or not.

The Journal Content

  1. Abstracts from national and international studies of relevance for the Panamenean population
  2. Comments: opinion, on current issues
  3. Originals: Epidemiological and clinical research works (-2500)
  4. Protocols for scientific studies
  5. Standardized questionnaires: with references where they have been used
  6. Structured summaries of the theses made for masters
  7. International window: Articles presented in international forums
  8. Informative: About activities of the Scientific Associations
  9. Visual documentation: Photos that show the areas of studies
  10. Permanent education: Materials for learning
  11. Share knowledge of conferences: power points, articles, etc
  12. Meetings for editors, authors and subscribers
  13. General advice on preventive health care
  14. Current topic
Spanish Society of Maritime Medicine