President of the United States

Welcome to a Learning Project on the Presidents of the United States

Subject classification: this is a history resource.
Completion status: this resource is just getting off the ground. Please feel welcome to help!



This course examines the List of US Presidents and identifies simple mnemonics for placing the separate Presidential Terms into the context of US History. In sequence with the List, a separate Lesson is associated with each of the 44 Presidents. The length of time covered by a Lesson can range from less than a year to over twelve years, with one President listed twice (Do you know Who? & When?).

Within each Lesson, introductory information is broad brushed by association with major events and trends in both US History and World History. Additional categories of timelines with significant milestones would include technology, fashion, architecture, business, etc. The more advanced information would investigate Presidential Policy, as influenced by the life and times of the President and his family. The finest level of detail within a Lesson would investigate specific policies that significantly influenced major historical events. Information on these events would be provided by linking out to other Learning Projects that covered specific historical topics.



Introduction: Getting to Know the US Presidents


Let’s jump right in and get straight to the point, the purpose of this course is to learn the List of US Presidents. Let’s be equally clear that the emphasis is on learning, not memorizing. Sure, someone can certainly list from beginning to end the name and dates for every individual to have ever held the office of President of the United States, a nice parlor trick, but of what value is a list of names without the understanding of their life and times, a knowledge of the events that molded their actions, even as their decisions molded the future? Still, lists have their uses and we will be referring to many often.

A preliminary step to learning the US Presidents, is to identify a few simple mnemonics that will help provide a basic structure for the information. Then we shall examine various historical trends to place the information in context and give a recognizable presence to the individuals that have served this office.

The mnemonics are identified within short lessons that will also allow us to create our own timeline. The lessons are:

Unit 1: The Founders

1st President 2nd President 3rd President 4th President 5th President

George Washington

1789 - 1797


John Adams

1797 - 1801


Thomas Jefferson

1801 - 1809


James Madison

1809 - 1817


James Monroe

1817 - 1825

Unit 2: Change and Uncertainty

6th President 7th President 8th President 9th President 10th President

John Quincy Adams

1825 - 1829


Andrew Jackson

1829 - 1837


Martin Van Buren

1837 - 1841


William Henry Harrison



John Tyler

1841 - 1845

Unit 3: Trouble in Dixie

11th President 12th President 13th President 14th President 15th President

James Polk

1845 - 1849


Zachary Taylor

1849 - 1850


Millard Fillmore

1850 - 1853


Franklin Pierce

1853 - 1857


James Buchanan

1857 - 1861

Unit 4: Frontlines to Frontiers

16th President 17th President 18th President 19th President 20th President 21st President 22nd President

Abraham Lincoln

1861 - 1865


Andrew Johnson

1865 - 1869


Ulysses S. Grant

1869 - 1877


Rutherford B. Hayes

1877 - 1881


James Garfield



Chester Arthur

1881 - 1885


Grover Cleveland

1885 - 1889

Unit 5: Foreign Policy and Modern War

23rd President 24th President 25th President 26th President 27th President

Benjamin Harrison

1889 - 1893


Grover Cleveland (2)

1893 - 1897


William McKinley

1897 - 1901


Theodore Roosevelt

1901 - 1909


William H. Taft

1909 - 1913

28th President 29th President 30th President 31st President 32nd President 33rd President

Woodrow Wilson

1913 - 1921


Warren G. Harding

1921 - 1923


Calvin Coolidge

1923 - 1929


Herbert Hoover

1929 - 1933


Franklin D. Roosevelt

1933 - 1945


Harry S. Truman

1945 - 1953

Unit 6: A New World Power

34th President 35th President 36th President 37th President 38th President

Dwight D. Eisenhower

1953 - 1961


John F. Kennedy

1961 - 1963


Lyndon B. Johnson

1963 - 1969


Richard Nixon

1969 - 1974


Gerald Ford

1974 - 1977

39th President 40th President 41st President

Jimmy Carter

1977 - 1981


Ronald Reagan

1981 - 1989


George H. W. Bush

1989 - 1993

Unit 7: The Twenty-First Century


42nd President 43rd President 44th President 45th President 46th President

Bill Clinton

1993 - 2001


George W. Bush

2001 - 2009


Barack Obama

2009 - 2017


Donald Trump

2017 - 2021


Joe Biden

2021 -

Course Administration

  • Assignments
    • Assignment 1. TBD
  • Tests and Quizzes
    • Unit Quiz 1
    • Unit Quiz 2
    • Cumulative Test
    • Unit Quiz 3
    • Unit Quiz 4
    • Cumulative Test
    • Unit Quiz 5
    • Unit Quiz 6
    • Final Exam
  • Sources

The American President By:Philip B. Kunhardt III, Peter W. Kunhardt, Philip B. Kunhardt Jr. Presidents every question answered by Carter Smith

  • Questions

Contact: []

  • Active participants

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