Preschool Elementary Math/Lesson 3

Template:PreK Elementary Math



Students will review numbers 1-10, learn numbers 11-15 and recite them in order. Words you speak are bold, questions you ask are bold and italic and answers to questions are italic. This lesson is in compliance with the 2008 California Preschool Learning Foundations document in section K.NO (Number Sense) in subsection K.1.1 in which students should "Recite numbers in order to twenty with increasing accuracy."

Lesson Plan


Today we will learn about the numbers 11 through 15, but first we will review numbers 1 through 10. Have them recite the numbers 1 through 10 without your help. Write the number 11 on the board and display 11 objects, drawn on the board or material objects. This is the number 11. Here I have 11 objects. Display another set of 11 objects and ask how many objects it is. Ask them to count with you to find out. Repeat the procedure with the numbers 12 through 15. When this is done, ask who can recite the numbers 1-15. Give a treat or sticker to the child who can complete this task. Then ask them to recite the numbers along with you.



Send them home with a page with the numbers 1-15 on it. Instructions for the parent, written on the paper, should ask the parent to recite the numbers with the child and, if possible, reinforce the concept with small objects.

Next Lesson


The next lesson will be about the numbers 16 through 20.

PreK Elementary Math Lesson 4