Preschool Elementary Math/Lesson 1

Template:PreK Elementary Math



Students will learn numbers 1-5 and recite them in order. There is no worksheet for this lesson. Words that you (the teacher) will speak are bold. Comprehension questions are bold and italic. Answers to comprehension questions will be italic. This lesson is in compliance with the 2008 California Preschool Learning Foundations document in section K.NO (Number Sense) in subsection K.1.1 in which students should "Recite numbers in order to twenty with increasing accuracy."

Lesson Plan


Today we will learn about numbers. Does anyone know what numbers are? Allow the students to respond and eventually give the definition, Characters that we use to tell how many of something one has. This is a simple definition, to cater to small children such as these. Display the number one. This is the number one. Next, display one object, such as a grape or ball. We have one (object) here. Display another object, and make sure it is not the same kind as your original object. How many objects is this? Students should answer one. If not, remind them that your original object was one object. Then display the number two. This is the number 2. Display two objects and demonstrate that you have two objects. Continue the procedure for the numbers 3 through 5.

Ask the question, Who can tell me the numbers 1-5? Give an incentive such as a treat or sticker to the child who answers correctly. Then have them say the numbers one through five along with you. Repeat until all students have mastered the sequence.



Give them a paper with the numbers 1 through 5 and have them recite it with a parent or sibling. Give the instructions for the parent/student on the paper, as the student may forget given instructions.

Next lesson will be numbers 6 through 10.

Next Lesson


Lesson 2